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Valve software has decided to reduce the number of MIRV grenades carried by the Demo and HW class from 4 to 2.

As I'm sure you're all very well aware of, in the upcoming patch, Valve software has decided to reduce the number of MIRV grenades carried by the Demo and HW class from 4 to 2. This decision was apparently made, so as to reduce the amount of spam that happens in games. Now I'm speaking here not only as the Administrator of the TFC section of the Online Gaming League but also as a player who has played the HW class for as long as TFC has been around.

I have participated in many clan matches. And in almost everyone of them, there has been a certain degree of spam involved. But what are the factors that cause spam? And which class is mostly responsible for this spaming? Well I can say with absolute confidence ( and I'm sure many of you who have in fact played any TFC will confirm) that the spam is usually caused by bad map design. Narrow corridors, few respawn rooms, usually lead to spam. They make spaming a strategic necessity, causing clans to resort to it in order to win. Now who is it exactly that does this spaming? There are only two classes that carry MIRV grenades in TFC, the demo and the HW. So it has to be one of them. From experience (again anyone who has played any TFC will easily confirm this) the HW class is very rarely used in clan matches. And most of the players in public servers who do play the HW are in fact less experienced players who can easily get killed at the hands of a scout as an HW. The reason why no clan uses the HW in their matches are very simple . There are very few players out there, who know how to play the class. I have seen only 2 people in all the time I have played TFC capable of playing the HW class well. The HW is simply too slow. If you put him on Defense, he can't get to the point that needs covering fast enough. If he gets conced when at his post, he becomes useless. And when it comes to Offense, the HW is too slow with the flying medics and scouts. It does not have the ability to rocket/grenade jump like the soldier and the demo have. So it's not very versatile on Offense. All of the above lead to the HW being excluded almost by all clans as a class they would choose to have in their matches.

So if the HW is not being played in matches, because of these so called weaknesses, then that only leave one other class that can be the cause of this spam, and that is the Demo. The demo is speedy, he carries a very massive arsenal of grenades of all types. It can be a very potent asset not only on Defense but also on Offense. On defense, it can put pipe bomb traps and kill incoming enemy. On Offense, it can grenade jump to unreachable places. It can take out Sentry Guns with it's grenades from afar, it can blow up computers and grates with its detonation pack and on and on. These of course lead to the Demo being played in almost every match by almost all clans. So here is what puzzles me. Why did valve reduce the number of MIRV grenades on the HW as well as the Demo? If the HW is not being played in clan matches, then why weaken it as a class even further?

At the moment, the only class out there that is capable of fighting and winning against the Soldier class is the HW. And this only applies to players who are experienced with the HW class (which there are very few of). As someone who has experience with the HW class, I can tell you right now, that those 4 MIRV's are what make a good HW. When going against soldiers, who are far more maneuverable when firing (compared to the HW which becomes a turtle when firing his AC), the only weapon that can give the HW the edge he needs is the MIRV. A single MIRV to the face of a soldier and he is down, and not likely to get up. MIRVs are also the only weapons that the HW has when he is conced. A good HW, always saves one MIRV for emergencies of such. When conced, a good HW can simply start running after the medic/scout...while priming his grenade. Then simply throw it at the enemies back. Destroying him completely. These are all very simple examples of course, but I think everyone gets the picture here.

I think the decision to limit the number of MIRV grenades carried by the HW was a very ill advised one. I don't know whom decided on this particular detail, but I would like to ask him/her the following questions. Do you actually play the game you make/modify? Do you actually play it in the way it was meant to be played? In a clan? Do you know how things work in real life in a gaming environment? Your decision will lead to the Soldier class becoming the supreme gods of TFC. Making the game more of DM craporama than the strategy game many of us play it for. The HW class is already a very hard class to play for the newbies, why do you intend to make it harder on them to learn it? And if it is in fact your intension to have the HW class become a useless class (like the pyro and sniper are), then why not simply remove it from TFC as a whole and get the whole thing over with, so that experienced HW's like me can go and play something else rather than waist their time with TFC? I don't know if the people at Valve will ever read this, but I ask of you (if you do read this) to please reconsider this change that you have made. You are further limiting the number classes being played in clan matches by taking this approach and are pushing TFC into becoming a game dominated by concing medics/scouts and Death Matching Soldiers. *sigh*

Think the author was right on target or completely off the deep end? Let us know -- mail us or post in the forums!

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