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An Open Letter to the TF Community
The TF community does not have to decay into a cesspool of anger.
Timothy R. Demorest

Ladies and gentlemen of the TF community, our once fair pastime has recently been plagued with an overwhelming stench of bad feelings regarding tactics, people, clans, and opinions. I address you all in this letter not as someone taking a "holier than thou" stance, towering over you all and passing off my judgements as infallible. I write this letter as a concerned member of the TF community who still believes that the TF community does not have to decay into a cesspool of anger.

I beg of you, fellow TFers, always to keep in mind what it is that we do when we play TeamFortress. We play a game. We play this game to win and to have fun. Naturally, we all seek to win, but at what price? Many of us strive to succeed through fairplay and skill. Others of us turn to tactics that are invariably frustrating to our opponents, frustrating not because we simply out-skill our opponents, but frustrating because we play in such a way that our opponent invariably wonders, "Why am I wasting my time playing these people?" I will not state here what tactics I feel are "honorable" and which are "dishonorable". I feel that this judgement should be left to the individual. However, I beesech you all to consider the opinions of others when making this judgement.

I recall someone from >V< (I think it might have been SPEEDenator or possibly Sailorscout) who once said that a good match is one where you can go to the pub with your opponents for drinks afterwards. I think that this idea is the essence of what is right about team games in general, and TF in particular. I beg of you all, please think about how others might react to your actions before you implement these actions. I often judge whether I thought a match was "good" or "bad" by the "taste" it left in my mouth. I offer examples of "good tastes" left in my mouth from matches. Recently, Finalé defeated my clan, Marauder, by a score of about 9-5 on 32smooth. I was frustrated by Finalé's tactics, but I knew that I was frustrated because they were simply playing better than I was (note: obviously, I was not the only person playing for Marauder. I simply speak from my own thoughts.). This match left a "good taste" in my mouth. Finalé won the match, and deservedly so. Another example I can recall is a recent match Marauder played against FOLD on h4rdcore. Quite simply, FOLD destroyed us. However, this was clearly a result of FOLD's preparation and Marauder's lack of preparation. This was a thorough ass-kicking, and FOLD deserved to demolish us.

Even though I lost both of those matches, I knew I was beaten by a better squad, and I accepted this.

I will not cite examples of matches that left a "bad taste" in my mouth for two reasons. One, I wish not to incite bad feelings in others. Two, I think we all can think of matches of this sort.

If you, the reader, take one thing away from my letter, it is this: Know well why you play this game. We are not competing for prizes. The mind shudders to think about what would happen to our community if we all started playing this game for money. I cannot tell you, the TF community, why you should play. I can only ask that you play this game for fun, first and foremost. Recent and not-recent events force me to ask this question of myself. I admit that when I first became LPB and "arrived", as it were, I sought glory. But I have now been playing TF as a LPB for about a year and a half, and only recently have I come to realize that what we do is not that critical. I am not saying that we should all just quit playing and do other things. TeamFortress is the best mod ever, and we can all take lessons on teamwork and strategy from it. Just try, I beg of you all, to keep things in perspective.

I ask not that we all act perfectly nice to one another and never say a negative thing. I simply ask that before you, in your undying desire to win, "step on other people's toes", as it were, think about what you are doing before you do so. If, after careful consideration, think that you are indeed justified in acting as you do, then by all means, proceed. But I implore you all to consider your actions first. This is a lesson which I myself need to learn.

Please understand that I do not wish to imply that everyone in the TF community acts in the negative ways I have described.

If you think that I do not know about what I am talking, I apologize for wasting your time. I welcome comment, as I should from an open letter to the TF community. My email is tdemores@sas.upenn.edu, and my ICQ# is 3973214. Or you may find me in #marauder on GamesNET. I'll even have an iparty or a NetMeeting, if you so desire.

I humbly submit this letter on this, the sixteenth day of November, 1999.

Think the author was right on target or completely off the deep end? Let us know -- mail us or post in the forums!

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