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TF2 AOL Friendly?
TF2 should weed out the low end of the fortress gene pool.
Not One Of Us

As a Half-Life lover I truly can't wait for TF2, yet there has been something bothering me. I have been looking into TF2 sense it was going to be an add-on for HL, I have tracked down every interview, every preview, every little pic there was and ever will be of TF2. Yet, there is still something bothering me. Any veteran TFer knows of the old days, the days when there was alot to learn about Quake and the net just to get in a game and play it correctly. How to bind keys, set up all the configs, even changing class. TF took time and skill, it took patience and confidence, it took intelligence. When TFC came out as a MOD for HL, it added tons of players to the TF community and actually added some more hype to TF2 to the online community. Yet TFC is different then TF, very different. TFC seems alot more organized, alot EASIER, and not at all in a good way. You can easily setup everything in TFC with out having to go straight into the config files, you can change team and class with an easy push of the button. You can setup how to lay down a detpack and instant feigning with the spy right in the TFC startup screen. They even have a manual that comes WITH the MOD, if that ain't pathetic I don't know what is. In TFC it seems alot brighter and a hell of alot less confusing than TF. In TFC you easily know what to do and where to go (with the help of a briefing before each mission, but in TF you have to find out where to go and what to do on your own, and the game engine makes the maps so dark you can easily be a sniper and hide away from everyone else. So does that make TFC better than TF? Absolutely not. TFC has so many moronic newbie like idiots it's not even funny. Newbies are constantly asking the same fucking questions over and over it'll drive you nuts. It's amazing to see that they can even get their damn computer working, or even click their fucking mouse. There are so many morons in the game also it makes it not even worth your time updating the server list. Every time you get into a game 3/4 too everyone in the server suck so much it would scare a whore. You go in, play for 5 min with your frag count past 20 already, as a Pyro, then you snipe some and rack up some as a sniper until you reach 50, then you be a solider and take out 10 at a time till you get bored having the fucking score 0 to 0 then be a scout and cap their damn flags so many times even the people on your team think your cheating. The only way to play agents REAL players is to join a clan, which then you can only play basically once a week. TF, on the other hand sense it's confusing and all, is almost 100% completely free of morons. You can go into a game and actually (gasp) get fragged! There are so many intelligent people in the TF public servers it's plain amazing. The snipers are very VERY skilled, the scouts know what the hell they are doing, the engineers have the best placements, the pyro's do what they are suppose to do, cause chaos, the medics actually heal you, and the soilders just plain do their job. You occasionally hear how to do this or that but it is usually a little unknown console command. Now with the upcoming TF2, it makes me wonder...

The graphics look great, the models are amazing and the gameplay is to die for. All the interviews are making this game sound like a dream, a huge ass dream, with the Commander class to organize the troops, the Flame-Thrower to make everyone wish they lived in Phoenix before the war, the Spy to take out guards and gain information about the enemy base, Machine Gunners to hold off attackers and mow down incoming troops, Snipers that... well, you know, Medics to save the team from dying, Officers to keep squads together and Marines to just do the dirty work. Though there is a new class, the Instructor class. This class is to help newbies and idiots to know what to do. This class basically gets inside the teammate and even has a little laser pointer to show him what to do and what stuff is. He talks to the teammate to help him understand the objective, the map, the enemies, the game. It's suppose to make the game free of morons. Will it work? My ass it will, one to nothing they will STILL be stupid. Acting and being stupid. They may know what to do, but will the understand it? Will the follow it? Ever? Not in my experience they will. Also in the game will be some much worthless shit it'll blow you mind. In one of the interviews Valve said that creating a clan will be easy, easy as actually having a "Create a clan" button on the game menu. That easy huh? What can be easier than saying "I'm creating a clan!"? Are they trying to attract the dumbest people that ever lived? Are they trying to attract iMac users? In some of their interviews it seems that they are. They say that they are gonna have a built in MOD building program, and the way it seems is it will render coders obsolete. All the hard work, all the learning, all the time a coder had to put in will be wasted. Maybe the symbol for the MOD builder should be "The All-in-one MOD builder! No more staff! Just follow these easy step-by-step instructions and you can have a brand new MOD up in no time all by yourself!" Back to the coders. All HTML coders also feel the same way, with these wussy ass Dreamweaver and Geobuilder shit, it's amazing what morons would do just to make themselves stupider. I can actually see someone using Dreamweaver for say a big web page project, but for most of the crap you see on the net, fuck no. Those fucking idiots should get off their asses and use that junk inside their skull. The Valve team seems to want to make this game easier then being 30 in kindergarten, easier then flipping a damn switch, easier than Kraft Easy Mac. There is one thing that gave me confidence in one of their interviews. They said that "you'll still be learning new tricks 4 years prior to the game's release" that actually gave me hope. I truefully hope Valve stops with all this easy shit, it'll save them valuable time and money. Yet they should keep the TF2 "Hazard Course" in the game, that one in HL is actually fun. — Not One Of Us

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