Features | Interviews | Scatterblak

Bravely going where no TF Newsie has gone before... Poking at the gray matter of the community is definately not a thing for the light hearted!
The writer

While there are many Tf players and personalities around, few have the effect on the TF scene and the individual as does ScAtTeRbLaK. Never short on opinions, he brings us a daily dose of commentary, both controversial and informative. Whether you like his style or not, he remains one of the most honorable and staunch supporters of fair play out there. ScAtTeRbLaK requested that this interview be conducted live in irc so we had the advantage of preparing a few questions. Bundy, Spif and I would like to thank him for spending a few hours with us, we all had a great time. I have edited the irc log to bring you just the facts son, just the facts! Also included is a bit of the banter in between questions. We hope you enjoy the following interview with ScAtTeRbLaK.

The Hal

The Hal:
I know from limited personal experience that you are a great player. You have taken the flag from me at will on a few occasions in the past. Did you have to spend quite a bit of time developing your TF skills or is it a carryover from having played other games?

Wow, flattery. Personally, I can't see it. I'm certainly not a 'great' player, IMO. I think, rather than being able to beat people in a one-on-one battle, I compensated by learning to take advantage of the tides of battle. Sun Tzu - 'To always win, attack where there is no defense'

I can see where some of these questions might require more than 1 line. :p

The Hal
That kind of leads into another question I had. Do you recommend DM at all for any reason? The reason I ask is I tend to believe that TF, to a certain extent, is a series of 1 on 1 encounters on your way to trying to capture or defend the flag.

This will be a multiple line answer. :) ....

DM? Sure, if you think it's fun. As a means to hone TF skills? Maybe. DM will certainly sharpen your skills for playing on pubs, but 99% of the time, playing on pubs isn't TF -- it's DM with differing character classes, and this is a shame. As far as honing skills for match situations -- because we spend so much of our time playing on pubs, we don't really 'learn' (By repetition) how to play TF the way it was meant to be played anyway.

Clan matches is important to you, I wouldn't play DM because it lacks the very thing that makes TF what it is - Teamwork. If, on the other hand, you play on pubs a lot, and don't play a lot of matches, and enjoy DM, sure, why not?

Make sense? :p

[CPF]Bundy... Well said. I have to agree.
[CPF]TheHal... Certainly
Scatterblak|Home... Feel free to edit my embarrassing attempts at spelling. :)
Spaceman_Spif... :)
[CPF]TheHal... I will run through a speel checker to save us all!
Scatterblak|Home... hehe
[CPF]TheHal... Bahahahaha
[CPF]Bundy ...We can get Phat Dragon to spell check for us.
[CPF]TheHal... I DM with dock at home but not in public
Spaceman_Spif... NOOOOOO!!!@#@!
[CPF]Bundy... :)
Scatterblak|Home... I love DM, but only the E4Mx boards.
Scatterblak|Home... I suck at 'Race for the RL'.
Scatterblak|Home... :)
[CPF]TheHal... He owns me pretty much after the first 5 minutes
[CPF]TheHal... Go ahead Spif
[CPF]Bundy... Don't you mean to say that you LET him win, Hal? :)
[CPF]TheHal... Oh yes, I posted that once didn't I?
Spaceman_Spif... ok.. next question

Spaceman Spif
We know you have been in several Clans, and have founded a few yourself... Lets do the time line thing. Can you name all the clans you have been in?

Oh man, Gimme a second.

* Scatterblak|Home blows the dust off the ancient tome of TF As We Know It...

Hmmm... First clan I was in was Gothic Terror, which Cableless and I founded long ago. I'm still very proud that GT is still up and running, too. :) GT started to have a LOT of interest in DM for a while, which was why I left (There was NO bad blood, btw). I'm a little fuzzy here - I think I played pubs for a while, retired, came back ala Michael Jordan, minus the accolades, and got invited to join OSKI...

Played in OSKI for a long while, then things started to slow down a lot (No matches, apathy, etc), so I decided to play in Megadeath (The Pon+iff's) new clan. We practiced a lot, but didn't seem to play any matches, and the stress got to me one night, and pon+ and I had some hard words, and parted ways....

(We patched things up eventually, and are still great friends, btw). I ended up back in OSKI until its eventual demise a few months ago. Then I jumped into SteelBreeze with Hyperion, Cygnus, and some other heavy hitters, but was so disappointed by the first showing that I left immediately (It turned into a 'Let my friend into the clan - he's great' sort of thing. The friends were great, and I mean GREAT individual players - but no teamwork...

After that, the Pon+iff again contacted me regarding a possible tryout with eV. To be frank, I scrimmed one time with them, and realized they were completely out of my league. I don't want to be in a clan and be a burden, you know?

And thats about it up to now. :)

Spaceman_Spif... very cool
Scatterblak|Home... And I'm not at all sure about that time line. I drink a lot of beer. :)
[CPF]Bundy... :)
Spaceman_Spif... BAHAHAHA
Scatterblak|Home... Oh, and there was a Braveheart thing, too, but it turned silly. :)
[CPF]TheHal... It has a certain effect eh? hehehe
Scatterblak|Home... Great guys over there, though. :)
Spaceman_Spif... one more from me then we turn bundy loose on you
Scatterblak|Home... Hal: Yeah. Thats why i drink it. :)
[CPF]Bundy... An honorable clan
Scatterblak|Home... yes

Spaceman Spif
Of the new features in the latest versions of TF, what do you like the most? What are some of the changes you have disliked in the past?

Thats a good one. :)

Changes I like: MAPCHECK! Anything that helps thwart the talentless cowards who want to cheat. I like the current scout - I think he's fast enough and wimpy enough to be a great asset to a team IF they're playing well together. Of course, mapmakers (eV.Someone!) have taken the art of mapmaking far beyond anything anyone was imagining.....

Stuff I hate: CHEATING is still around, and looks like it may be making a comeback. Community apathy, anonymity, and the prospect of not getting caught combine to create an environment that is conducive to cheaters, and it doesn't look like thats going to change anytime soon. Also, I believe that the lack of teamplay in general is at least partially due to the fact that classes that have no business in melee (Medics, spys, etc) have whined and bitched to the point where a medic or a spy can have a legitimate chance in a toe-to-toe against any of the heavier classes. This is silly......

Among the current player pool, there simply isn't the intellectual depth needed to appreciate the challenge and satisfaction of playing a medic or a spy the way the class was meant to be played. This also, IMO, is partially due to individual frags. I'd like to see individual frags totally eradicated from TF. *Then* the medics, spys, etc would play their classes

In your opinion, do you think TF2 will make it more difficult for lamers to ruin the game? The cheating issue is being worked by TFS/Valve, but do you think the lamers will find it as easy to disrupt the game?

ScAtTeRbLaK... Make yourselves comfortable.
[CPF]Bundy... :)
Spaceman_Spif... hehe
* [CPF]Bundy passes peanut butter sandos around
Scatterblak|Home... Man, I wish this was a conference call. Gimme a second to wind up...
[CPF]Bundy... k

In my opinion? Just for everyones edification, I make my living giving my opinion regarding network security and hacking attempts to clients like the DoD, FBI, Prudential-Bache, Mutual of Omaha, etc,. to name a few. So it's not really opinion, it's dissemination of known trends. The fact is: people will always be your weak link. I assume that TFS/V are working hard to stop cheaters/lamers, but what can they really do?....

128K DES was cracked on the net. Blowfish and PGP were cracked also. So we can safely assume that whatever they do, it will be cracked. The secret to thwarting these types is to make it *not worth their while* to crack. A CD key will not do the job. CD Keys are static, so their structure can be studied. The ONLY sure way to set up a secure network environment (Game, data, whatever) is to have some form of *dynamic* security in place. No matter what sort o security TFS/Valve put in place, people will still cheat, still reverse-engineer the game, still write proxies, and all the other things we've come to know and loath.

I've spoken to robin regarding these issues, and he believes that the current security implementation will be sufficient, and he may be right. I think TFS/V will discover that the hacker/lamer community is much stronger and more intelligent than we give them credit for. I believe that after TF2 has been out for a short while, say 6 months or so, it will be rampant with cheaters and others who will exploit the game in different fashions that were never intended. This will *always* happen, and will continue to happen in all online games until companies implement mechanisms that will allow them to upgrade/change whatever security scheme they finally implement to something different enough that the established hack/cheat methods wont work anymore, AND normal operations for legitimate users isn't adversely affected. This is a very difficult tightrope to walk, particularly when it's a new application with known vulnerable network protocol. I believe there will be a long 'trial and error' periods while they sort the security issues out.

You created the Team Fortress Veterans (TFV) to provide a lamer/cheat-free environment, but it was before it's time (unfortunately). Do you intend to do something similar if (when) TF2 gets overtaken by lamers? By the way, you are always welcome to rant on my page :)

Gosh, thx. :)) You and I talked about resurrecting the TFV recently, and I mentioned it to robin as well. I don't think its the answer, for the reasons I think TFS/V are going to have a hard time with the security issue: When you implement a security solution, it has to have *Minimal* impact on the legitimate users. The TFV was a pain - it required you to log into a secure website, and use the plug-ins to find a good server to play on. The great thing about it was that you were almost guaranteed a cheater-free, lamer-free game. Everyone liked it, and it took of faster than I could have imagined.

I received a lot of positive mail regarding the TFV, and the sign-up database (Which I still have) eventually had over 700 names in it - but the servers were empty. Why? Because it's easier to fire up gamespy, and just click. If you run into a cheater, go to another server. *If* the cheater problem gets out of hand, I do still have the core engine code to implement a secure network, and several clans and individuals have offered dedicated servers and other resources for the exclusive use of the TFV, if it becomes needed again. I sincerely hope it doesnt come to that - if it does, I suspect a lot of people will just quit playing, like I (And a lot of others) did when it got bad in TF1. And let me state this: Cheater proliferation is NOT an assured thing. It's my *Belief* that it will happen but, as previously stated, TFS/V do *not* believe it will happen. And robin and TFS certainly didn't get where they are by being wrong.

[CPF]TheHal... I have faith in them (TFS)
[CPF]Bundy... Thanks, I know that Robin and the crew are keeping the cheaters in mind this time around. Spif, didn't you have another question for him?
[CPF]Bundy... Thanks, Scat :)
Scatterblak|Home... =)
[CPF]TheHal... I do under stand what you are saying about the cheat talent out here though.
Spaceman_Spif... Yup.. I have a few more :)
Spaceman_Spif... simple one (maybe) :)
Spaceman_Spif... What is your most memorable moment in TF?
[CPF]Bundy... Uhhh.... One more if you don't mind...
[CPF]Bundy... doh!
Spaceman_Spif... well... maybe two :)
Scatterblak|Home... Np. :) This is big fun. :)
Scatterblak|Home... I cant get anyone else to sit still while I foist my opinions off on them. :)
Scatterblak|Home... Memorable moment. :) Um...
[CPF]Bundy... hehe! Geezers can't move around that fast :)
[CPF]TheHal... Us old guys are good listeners
Scatterblak|Home... <--- 33.
Scatterblak|Home... :)
[CPF]TheHal... A pup eh Bundy?
[CPF]Bundy... Yup :)
[CPF]Bundy... Why I remember when.....
[CPF]Bundy... hehe :)
Spaceman_Spif... you guys make me feel like a fetus ;)

Spaceman Spif
What is your most memorable moment in TF?

Memorable moment: Dos Lan party in Atlanta was one. Met Hyperion, Bast, Tiger, and a host of other players. And I played in the 2Fort32 grand opening with GT, against CE. That one would be more 'memorable' if we'd won. :)

[CPF]Bundy... Can I get mine in now, Spif?
Spaceman_Spif... hit em where it hurts ;)
[CPF]TheHal... Better let him Spif
[CPF]TheHal... Elders and woman first
Spaceman_Spif... bundy is starting to sound like Horsehack... Ohhhh! ohhh ohhh!
Scatterblak|Home... haha! [CPF]TheHal> hahahahaha!!!!

Thanks. Sorry about being so disorganized, but I *AM* a Geezer... Ok, can you see you and Cheat_Htr getting together? That's my last question.

Sure. Why not? We obviously feel the same way about things. If we could do more as a team than alone, I'm all for it. And it doesn't have to be Cheat_H8r either - ANYONE who hates lameness, cheating, jerks, assholes, etc, I'll be happy to offer you all the resources I have, my time, money, bandwidth, hosting, programming, whatever, if it will make a difference. We all fight the good fight. :)

[CPF]Bundy... YES! Thanks, man.
Scatterblak|Home... Oh!
Scatterblak|Home... :p
Scatterblak|Home... :)
[CPF]Bundy... Sic 'em Spif!
Dock... money?
Dock... :D
Scatterblak|Home... If I gotta. :)
Scatterblak|Home... Had some contests for $$ to increase traffic, and make people aware of some of the issues in the community. ):
Scatterblak|Home... :))))
Scatterblak|Home... Damned Hyperion keeps winning them. :p
Dock... Yeah, what a bastard.
[CPF]TheHal... hehe they will show up in droves
Scatterblak|Home... I'm putting him through GaTech.
Spaceman_Spif... hehe.. noticed that
Scatterblak|Home... *munch* *munch* *munch* *munch*
Spaceman_Spif... OK... I will let Hal close us out
Scatterblak|Home... GF brought some cold turkey and cheese. :)

The Hal
What interview is complete with out a question about this..... Your guess on PhD. (Phat Dragon) Who do you think he really is?

Romero. He's pudgy, too.

Spaceman_Spif... BAHAHAHAAA
[CPF]TheHal... hahahaha
[CPF]Bundy... HAHHAA!!!
Scatterblak|Home... :)
[CPF]TheHal... wOOf!
[CPF]Bundy... Could be... hmm...
[CPF]Bundy... :p
[CPF]TheHal... It was great of you spending a bit of time with us, we certainly appreciate it
[CPF]Bundy... Yes, Thank you very much Scat :)
Scatterblak|Home... Oh, man, this was the best fun I've had in a long time. Can we do it every Saturday? :)
Spaceman_Spif... yes, we certainly do appreciate it!
[CPF]Bundy... I'll find PhD and get him to spell check this for us.
[CPF]TheHal... Would you like to say anything as a closing statement at all?
Scatterblak|Home... Hal: Hrm. Gimme a second (Cant pass up an opportunity like this, can I?)

In closing - Whatever happens, the TF community is growing. There will always be good things and bad things, lameness, greatness, etc. I want to know that when I move on to something else someday (And we all will, eventually), that I'll be able to look back and know that I pulled no punches, called em like I see em, and stood for what I thought was The Right Thing™

Scatterblak|Home... :p
Scatterblak|Home... Thank you, and good night. No autographs, please. :)
[CPF]TheHal... Very good
Scatterblak|Home... =)
[CPF]Bundy... Well said. Scat, you are one of the ones who have made and ARE making a difference. Thank you.
Spaceman_Spif... Great interview... Thanks man!
Scatterblak|Home... THAT,.... was fun. Thx guys. :)
[CPF]TheHal... Good deal all around
[CPF]Bundy... Thank YOU. I enjoyed it.
[CPF]TheHal... Will get this formatted and stuff tomorrow
Spaceman_Spif... w00p!

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