Features | Level of the Week | Fadeout

I'm thirsty
Quick way or the hard way...
Left, right, up, down.. oh my...

How convenient!

Map Name: Fadeout
Author: [WTF?]Chemical Burn
Map Type: Capture the flag variant
Web Site: Chemaps
Download: fadeout.zip
New Textures
New Skybox
New Models/Sprites
New Sounds

10 points per successful capture of the enemy flag.


I have long reglected my duties as Level Of The Week writer. My excuse? College. Plain and simple. Although now that i am finishing that this coming April 2nd, free time will once again be a concept known to me. Yay for that!

The reasons for my comeback? The promise of HL 2 and the ever present shadow of TF 2 hanging around, a small rebirth of TFC maps popping out here and there...
Take your pic!

Moving onto the review, Fadeout caught this reviewer's eye a few weeks ago with the promise of rejuvenating my love for capture the flag. Did it deliver? Read on!
(Hint: It made it's way here didn't it?)


Fadeout was crafted by resident hosted mapper Chemical Burn from the renouned TFC mapping clan [WTF?].So right from the start, expectations were high, but i was not disappointed.

The map is a "Shutdown" style capture the flag, which means before you can run over to the enemie's flag room, you have to disable their base's security system (The force field surrounding the enemy flag) in order to grab it. This is achieved by pushing the conviniently placed button in the base's ramp room under the caption "Laser control".

The map's high point in this reviewer's opinion is the extremely effective layout of the map which makes both learning and moving around a breeze after a minute or two. Each base has 2 respawn/resupply rooms which are connected together by a small tunnel. The exits lead either to the flag room's main corridor access or the sniper deck. This makes defense concentrate out at the base's main entrance or the flag room, which is killing two birds with 1 stone, because of the "Openfire" style water tunnel connecting both areas. Attackers don't have to worry about the laser control as much as they have to actually get to the flag room and out again, a big problem of most shutdown style maps which pits the buttons deep inside enemy territory (NOT where you want to be most of the time!)

I'm coming for your flag! Get me outta here!

Moving onto the visual side of the map, i found myself facing a home designer's dileama: Go for the pleasing and functionnal architecture's pros, or rant about the average paint job in terms of cons. I decided to go for both. Lighting in Fadeout will undoubtedly strike you at first. Soothing blue or pinkish-red? You'll know right from the start on which team you're on when you first spawn in some kind of tube. There isn't a spot too dark or too bright anywhere in the map. Lighting comes both from the skylights everywhere in your base and from texlights on columns.

Texturing is other side of the coin though. The same old brick texture on every wall makes things look dull. It's obvious the architecture is made to stand out with the lighting but a bit more variation would of been welcomed.

Who's your daddy? I thought i was born the "old fashion way" ?!

Also, waterfalls seems to be this map's theme as you see water pouring from grates on walls to keep things interesting. Most noticeably are the double waterfalls in the map's middle section which is filled with steam, making fights in that area slightly laggy, but very original.

Gameplay wise, you'll see engineers scurying everwhere to build their SGs and snipers protect both the front of the base and the flag room. But things move fast in Fadeout and during testing, the middle area was used an outpost to quickly put pressure on the enemy base's defense. Every class can shine, but every class can be brought down.


Fast "soldier-tested, mother-approved" gameplay on a solidly built map, a must for any public OR clan server.


P.S.: Watch out for the zombie !


BlackPanther's Mapping Guide

How do you make a shutdown style map?

Shutdown maps have been gaining popularity ever since the original map (Shutdown) has been released. The basis of the map is to deactivate lasers (or something else) in order to get access to the flag.

This may be done with just a simple func_button triggering a multi_manager that in turn, triggers the env_beam entities making up the lasers. But it's a good idea not to use the damage setting of the env_beam to make the enemy think twice before taking the leap. The entity just isn't suited for it, and it can not work everytime. It's best to make a trigger_hurt where there lasers are that is also turned off with the multi_manager.The rest is standard CTF entities for the flag capture. Don't forget to give the button a "delay before reset" value. 60 seconds should be good, but it all depends on your map's layout and how much time it takes go get from the button to the flag.

Also, a nice thing to have in your map is a vox that yells out something like "Warning! Security systems deactivated!" to let your team knows when your flag is vulnerable. But if you do, i beg you NOT to go crazy with the "volume" setting. Setting it to 4 is quite enough.


Shutdown-Style Map Tutorial @ TF Mapped

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