Features | Level of the Week | Shutdown

Map Name: Shutdown
Author: The Cheese
Map Type: Capture the Flag
Web Site: http://sites.netscape.net/heathaustinhill/main
Download: shutdown.zip

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New Models/Sprites
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Play this map at:
PoM|TheAsylum PF-LOTW []

Arguably one of the finest custom maps to come out in the dark ages of the beginning of Team Fortress Classic was The Cheese's Shutdown. At a time when there were three must-have custom maps out, only this one still retains the must-have status.

The no man's land between the bases looks like a scaled-down redoing of Well. The only notable difference being two bridges over each waterway whereas Well has only one on each side. Each waterway even has a detpackable grate for alternate access to the base. But, the similarities end inside the doors of each base. The bases feature multiple levels interconnected with ramps creating an easily navigable maze.

Shutdown's name comes from the style of play introduced by The Cheese. Each flagroom is guarded by a set of lasers that must be turned off. The control switch located on the top level of the base operates the lasers. The flagroom itself is doughnut shaped and easily accessed from the ramp room once the lasers are down.

Shutdown holds a place in TFC custom maps as a classic. The style of gameplay has been reused by many mappers including The Cheese in his terribly misguided sequel. Shutdown has stood the test of time and deservedly so.

How Did They Do That?

Counting Down - Multimanagers and Info_TFGoals.

The countdown triggered by the switch is controlled by a single multimanager. This entity first shuts off the lasers and trigger_hurt that protect the flagroom. Then at regular intervals trigger different info_tfgoals. Each info_tfgoal does two things, displays an Activation Message (i.e. "60 seconds remaining") on the screen and activates a global Speak message. The Global Speak message uses the vox library to allow each player to hear a message that goes with the on-screen message. Once the time is up, the multimanager reactivates the lasers and trigger_hurt that restores the flag security. For further information, try one of these sites:

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