Features | Mailbag | 7/20/98

Big Impact
by JackMehoff
             I think TFII will make the biggest impact on the gaming community yet on one condition; the internet code has to be suitable for gamerz. I mean look at all the commotion about Unreal, then it finally came out and gamerz were pissed. (The client side .DLLs for Half-Life should considerably make internet play smooth) The sacrifice for those 'beautiful' graphics was laggy internet play. If the code isn't good enough gamerz will give up on it and not wanna play.
        I like the idea of the cameras for the Commanders, that the Engineers build. It's sorta a duke thing. I think the Commander class is pretty cool, but I don't see many willing to take away the playing experience for a 'coaching' like experience. So, the bottom line; for me at least; is the dependency of the internet play. If it's anything like Unreal, where you can't even see the server names or how many players, then I, sure as hell will be disappointed.
        Two other things. I think the graffiti idea is great. Being able to leave your marks is cool. And if TFS decides to ship TF2 w/Half-Life I think gamers will be more likely to buy the Half-Life\TF2 combo than Sin (which will be released almost simultaneously).
    BTW: I hate those stupid lame asses that sends messages like "I first you stupid faggots" and "What's TF!?!?!?"

Sin and TF?
by Lord Nova
    Hrm... well, what with the SiN stuffs comin' up, I definately think TF should jump on the band wagon, and make some mod for that. Now, I don't exactly play TF (unless I'm at my friends house, but I admit, I use him for his computer and stuff just to play... god bless those snipers.) but you guys have some stankin' ass funk going down (good thing where I come from...) and so, I thought a rather pimpin' idea for a SiN TF would be this type of thing...
    One team is the badasses, criminiminal type peoples, who's goal is to use and take hostages, and ultimately escape from their hideout building and into the get away vehicle, and another team that's a crime unit, who has to free up the hostages, and stuff. This could add some serious strategy to player coordination and stuff, with snipers and roofs covering entrances while extraction teams of specialists gotta do their jobs, yada yada.

Just a thought, but I know you guys can pull it off =P Do it for me.

Oh, and don't post my e-mail addy, I don't wanna be eatin' spamburgers if ya know what I mean...

Editors note: Sorry I just had to put these next few to inflate our huge egos here at PF!

Fantastic site!
by Cheat_H8tr
    Hey! Long time no write. Fantastic site! I've spent thirty minutes I should have been doing work poking around. Keep it up and give me a buzz if I can help in any way.

by Jake
    The Rant-o-Matic is awesome! I hope it's always as interesting as that first installment! Love the whole site!

by -NULL-Novus-Cpt
I'm sorry man, THIS SITE KICKS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!
    As if it didn't before... how you could make it better was beyond me, but you did it. Here I am gone for a day and you get your own domain name, and a beautiful new site. An elegant layout indeed. Congrats guys, and keep on going. You're the kings of TF News and you always will be. Way to go. Later

Ack! don't do that to me!
by [DB]Hakko
    I'm sitting at my desk on June 14th reading for the last time the news at TFnewswire before I head out for my 40 day road trip.. Upon my return on July 25th, I rush to my computer, flick the switch, get connected and head to my favorite TF news site.."Connecting...etc..etc.." and what is the first thing that pops up? A closed sign over the menu!!! Before waiting to see the rest of the page load, I fall over grasping my chest as I suffer a mild heart attack (or was it just heart burn again?). Just as I'm about to disconnect so I could call 911 I see a bunch of clicks and arrows and manage to hoist myself into my chair and scroll down and lo and behold, there is the link to the new url. You certainly gave me one hell of a scare! *LOL* As always, Keep up the great work! cya around.

by Miles
Um, change the links, it is really hard to tell where the links in the news are,  so make them an easier color to see please...
btw, i am using IE4.0

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