Features | Mailbag | 10/10/98

by [FA]Tickenest
    Hey guys. Since you boys seem desperate for letters I just thought I'd share some thoughts I've had about TF and Quake in general so that I can seem like even more of an idiot than I already am. Really. I say some of the most dumb things on message boards. Anyway...
1. LPB vs. HPB - I'm not here to take sides on this one (I was 400+ ping until I went to college a month ago, where I'm now a FLPB =), so I've been on both sides), but am I the only person who's ever noticed that no matter what an HPB goes on to say, he always starts with something like, "Now, don't get me wrong, I've wh00ped plenty of LPBs in my life,"? Now, what I want to know is, if the HPBs are wh00ping the LPBs, then what's the reason for the debate?
2. Shut the Fuck Up Rants - These always start with someone saying something really whiny (is that a word?) or stupid, it escalates, and then some 'righteous' person tells them off. How about we all agree that whenever someone says something whiny (see above parenthetical) or stupid we all agree to skip the escalation and tell off and just drop it? After all, they never learn, do they?
3. Mega TF - I played it...and liked it...for about 10 minutes. (Note: This letter in no way endorses any modifications made to the TF code.)
4. LPB clans and HPBs that can't get in - Life's a bitch, ain't it? It may be wrong, but it's their clan, their rules. Hey, if you can't join 'em, beat 'em. :)
5. Know-it-alls like me - Someone should round up those bastards and shoot 'em.
Right, I've made enough of a fool of myself.

Yours, etc. [FA]Tickenest, Mrs. (Note: If you've never watched Monty Python's Flying Circus, you won't get the joke in this bit.)
(Editors note: No one can make a fool of them selves as good as I can. I have the market cornered there. I have watched Monty Python's Flying Circus an still don't get it. I guess it's been a while.)

TF box design...
by Steve Humiston
    I really can't vote for either of the Team Fortress box designs. They remind me of Hitler Youth recruiting posters. Nix spreichen ze deutsch!
(Editors note: That's what someone said last week too. Well someone got paid money to design those boxes. Who are we to say they are no good? We get paid nothing but in the event that someday we may, we love them! Yes, we do. Actually, the box design would not keep me from buying a game. If I knew what the game was about, I could care less what the box looked like. But I like them both anyway.)

give me a job
by MacBeth
hello,      well i was going to sak oyou if oyou could give me a job or like i want to be in alot of this stuff like in the apocolapse ternementmy clan qiute but i`m one of the best.....yea yea you might here alot of ppl say that but man i`m am you ever herard of FUBUKI??? i can take him and he is one of the best snipers in the world but as a soldeir i wooped him but i mean hey there are ppl that can beat me but i can usaully get in the top 5 of ppl in tf and i just want to help you guys out or i ....well i guess i want to be know or i want in another clan or maybe i can write a coulum or reading to put in plantfortress and i jkust want to help and i thkn this a is a great thing planet fortress but i want to be a a big part in it or i want to help !!!hehe sorry if this sounds weird but i really ike this bad-ass web site SO BYE!!!!!!!!!

(TF name MacBeth)
(Editors note: Well I must say, this is the most professional Job application I have received to date! wOOf! Just kidding there MacBeth! We are not hiring at the moment, perhaps you could leave your name and number and we'll get back to you .....)

Just me or...?
by MonGoose
Man is it just me or are both those boxes just plain ugly ???? A box should reach out and grab you. Look at it - if you didnt know what Team Fortress was, would you pay attention to that ugly ass box on the shelf ? Hell they havent even made any reference to the fact that its an expansion pack for Half Life, so if people actually bought Half Life and are in a store and see this box, what kinda connection will they make with HL?? NONE !!! I think they are just plain screwing up - I just hope they made better decesions when they were making the game itself. Here's hoping they pull their heads out of their asses, wise up and come up with a box that mentions HL and maybe shows a shot of some different classes storming a base. Well that my 2 cents worth - what do the rest of you think ?? MonGoose
(Editors note: I think I would like to see someone with their head up their ass as it would be quite a feat. Must be a dark and smelly place....)

Asshole server admin
by SilverDragon[00]
    I remember something about a lamer server campaign that was mentioned a while back talking of servers that have asshole server admins, if so, I'd like to nominate one. (Name and ip with held) 2fort4 fortress 10 of 32
    Apparently the admin of this server found it funny to go concussioning his teammates "so they won't shoot me", and when a teammate complained, he would kick them. Not very fun (especially since i haven't played a game in like a month and i didn't want to deal with this form of dogshit). If possible, could ya mention this?

(Editors note: Without experiencing this first hand, I felt it necessary to not post the ip and server name. But this is obviously the worst kind of admin abuse, when the admin is actually the one who should be kicked. Lame, lame, lame..... If only I weren't such a fine upstanding guy..... Don't suppose you remember who the admin was do you SilverDragon?)

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