Features | Mailbag | 10/25/98

by redrum
Hi guys!      First off...very nice website! Ok...here is the thing. Most TF clans communicate using a program called mirc. And in using that program connect to a gamesnet server. Many many clans hange out on gamesnet to setup matches and scrims and such. I love mirc and script in it, plus I love quake. So...I came up with an idea for a mirc addon. I call it QuakeX! Before I made this, I was always writing down the server I want to join, minimizing mirc...opening quakeworld, find the server number I wrote down, and typing it into quakeworld hoping I didn't mess it up while writing it! Maybe not all people did it that way...but quite a few did and still do. So I decided to make a mirc addon that allows a user to open up a window and type the server number in. In this window you adjust your settings...quake drive, quake folder, the type of QW you play...GL or regular. You can also open up an options section in which you can adjust the addons colors, turn on a server logging system, view and edit a custom configuration file. You can use this addon to join a normal server, a passworded server, to observe a game, etc... Anyway, I think this addon will be a big hit with Quake players. I belong in a clan called [DH] ( demons of hell ) and so far everyone raves about it! I would like this addon to become the best quake addon out there ( if there are any out there to begin with ) Is this something you guys would be interested in hosting a webpage of? If not thats no problem. I just think it is a great idea. Please send me any comments or suggestion you might have. If you would like a copy of this addon...please let me know!!!

- Scott aka [DH]Redrum
(Editors note: Cool. I also am putting this up as a news item. Of course you can copy and paste right from irc as well, it's just a bit of a task if there are a lot of clan mates yapping like in our old fogies clan, er... I mean CLan PF. Well actually quite a few of use fit that description, especially Turbine 2.)

Team Fortress 2
by Alexandre Lepage
    I just want to ask you something. Tf2 will it done for Quake2 or only for Half-Life? Reply to me please :o)

Alexandre Lepage
(Editors note: It's only for HalfLife baby!! Of course there are many mods out there now and being developed all the time. I am sure there are and will be more TF like mods for Q2. However, they will not be supported by TFS. )

Lame Server Admins
by MonGoose
    Here's another tale of a lame server admin. Join a public server playing 2f5 - not too many people on it, maybe 4 on each side. Most of them appear to be sniping with a couple of soldiers thrown in as well. So I do the right thing and join the team that is down in points and start playing. Nobody is interested in capping so I trundle across the bridge a few times and get sniped - when I do finally make it across, I play havoc in the sniper nest getting sweet revenge. Eventually they kill me and the scenario repeats itself - then BOOM - I was kicked !! I'm like WTF ? So I reconnect and ask politely what the problem was, the reply I get is "this is not sniper/soldier deathmatch" Oh excuuuuusee me !! So I say fine - i'll start capping then if thats how its gonna be. So again I eventually make it across grab the flag and get back successfully for a cap - I restock my supplies and trundle across the bridge again - I must have picked a good moment because no snipers are in sight, I make it across the bridge and RJ upto the sniper nest and come practically face to face with a sniper - so of course I shoot the guy and he pops like a zit with blood and gore everywhere, I continue on my way with a big smile on my face and start down the spiral to grab the flag again, when BOOM - I'm kicked again. WTF ? I'm really getting pissed so I reconnect and ask what I did wrong this time. He replies "I told you this was not sniper/soldier deathmatch". So I tell him that I was capping and that he got in my way so I killed him out of self-preservation - because he didnt seem to mind in the least when he was killing the shit out of me when I was crossing the bridge. I mean what kinda lame ass is this guy ? What am I supposed to do - stand still on the bridge so he can kill me over and over, without shooting back for fear of getting kicked - Jeez what an asshole. Anyway I told him that I was fixing to leave and that he was a total dipshit and a few other things and left before he could type a reply or kick me again. Not to be outdone I waited a few minutes changed my name and logged back on as a medic and had great fun planting that axe in his back - I knew the fun wouldnt last long but it was worth every minute - hehe
    So the thing is - if they wanna have a frigging sniper war why dont they just put on a sniper only map - or just explain to people when they log on that you aint allowed to kill the server admin who is playing as a sniper or you will be kicked. To be honest I havent had this happen too many times in the countless hours I have played TF, but is has happened more than I care to remember. If I remembered the IP I'd give it to you to publish but sadly I dont.
    Well thats my tale of another asshole server admin - lets see if there are any more out there.

(Editors note: I agree with this. If you are having some special type of practice or have special rules at any given time on your server, you should let the players know immediately! This is how a game can go all to hell and an admin can get a bad rep. Everyone loves to kill snipers, so if you don't allow them to be killed, then let us know ahead of time so we can either stand in the middle of the bridge for target practice, or head out to a server with some real rules that do not just pad your frag score..)

I am mad
    I have been playing a lot of people who have got really pissed off at me for using Nail Grenades. They claim that it lags them down badly... Well this may be true, but its a)Not the only thing that lags down servers (Gas grens lag more then Nails, but no one tells off the spies...) b)They are upset because a wimpy spike killed them c)Upset becuase it is such a good weapon, which they dont have d)They need a new Internet connection
    These people have been calling me and other soldiers 'lamers' and other extremly rude things. I am not saying that Nail Grens dont lag down people.. If I had another less laggy type of grenade I would use it...But what I am saying is If a game is lagging its not all the soldier's fault... Without the Nail gren the soldiers arsenal is incomplete, its to basic... I feel that anyone should be able to use anything they choose... Hey, its a free world. |:~)


P.S. Please dont mail me about this, take it up with the nearest soldier. DONT TELL OFF THE SOLDIERS FOR USING NAIL GRENADES!!!!!
(Editors note: I am also a soldier, it's my job, it's what I do. The thing most people forget is that the soldier has plenty of disadvantages as well. It is the slowest class out there. Slower than slow. You ever try to catch a scout? The speed disadvantage all by it's self makes the nail grenade appropriate. To overcome the speed disadvantage, the soldier has to develop a lot of different tactics and skills and because of that, when people say the soldier is a newbie class, I think they are full of shit.)

by Col.Neutron =C=
    Greetings. Col.Neutron here from the Carbineers. I have to admit I'm a little shocked that you would choose to run a news piece from a clan calling themselves the "Fuck Offs". A recruiting piece, no less.
    Is this what the TF community seeks to produce? 24 hours ago you were bitching because no one took your survey about TF being in the PGL. You were all like "Whoa is the TF world if this is all we can accomplish". Then there's an add for the Fuck Offs.
    Well...I took your survey and if I'd known ahead of time that the Fuck Offs were what I was standing up for...I'd have said "FUCK IT!"...but I would have kept the profanity to myself...NOT posted it for the world as an example of my community.

Col.Neutron =C=
(Editors note: Ya, that was a boner there. This may not have been intended for posting, but it came to the mailbag, and that's what it's for. From time to time, we let a few things slip that perhaps should not be posted as news. This is a tough job. Deciding what to post and what not to. We obviously don't have the right or power for that matter to tell a clan to change it's name. There are many clan names out there that are of poor taste, like the Fuck Off's and Bitch Killa's to name a few. While the name is not necessarily an indication of the players attitude in that clan, you can't help but wonder. I'm not sure it is with in our rights to condemn a clan because of it's name. Perhaps it was in poor taste to post it on our site as we do try to keep that stuff out of the lime light. Of course you realize that clans with names of that sort represent a very small portion of the community. It is up to them to call themselves what they want, and it is our right to shun them for choosing so poorly. Don't even think this issue has not reared it's ugly head before. We throw out quite a bit of mail as being of bad taste and un publishable.)

by A devoted quaker
    I'm sure everybody and there grandma has been asking you this question? But when is tf 2 going to be out? And is there going to be a beta version out first or whaT? I've been out of time and I was just kind of curious, thanks!!!!!

A devoted quaker
(Editors note: Ya, my grandma asks every day actually. And my dog and cat too. I'm not sure if there will be a beta version, probably not though. It is supposed to come out a month or so after HalfLife which is due out the weekend before Thanksgiving the last I heard. Wouldn't it be great if the delay on the release of HalfLife was actually due to the fact that TF2 is going to be bundled with it after all??? Pure speculation on my part but it would be nice.)

Hello 8-)
by Hank
    Somebody give the Hal a valium and a cappuchino. Not everyone out there understands as well as the older crowd. Personally I think any news is good . I will admit I have been waiting a really long time and I say the rantomatic is the greatest ! In fact scratch the valium, just give him a cappuchino and one of those bawls beverage chasers Blue keeps talkin about. Two to Three weeks and we will have news and it will be good + quite abundant from what we have learned already. There will be more shit to mess with than two quake2's . While the Hal is ranting tell him to throw in a couple of words about ---- sales@sierra.com and the lack of the availibility of pre-purchase on TF2.
    And Hal : Rant all ya want! I like it!

Aka: Hank
(Editors note: And this may just be another indication that TF2 may be bundled with HalfLife after all!! You can't pre order it from Sierra!!??? Purely speculation on my part. They probably haven't set the price yet.)

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