Features | Mailbag | 1/1/99

by Jeff
In that gamecenter article they say TF2 is going to be standalone?!! WTF!!! looks like team fortress software and valve have mislead the community YET AGAIN, suckering them in to by tons of copies of half life.. GOD DAMMIT i bought half life only for TF2, and now this, grrrr.


(Editors note: Well this was the first of many letters I think we will be receiving on the TF2 stand alone issue. While we don't advocate Physical violence, we can understand the outrage of the TF community.)

Pissed and Confused
by Big Me
I was reading the Gamecenter preview of TF2, when i came across this paragraph:

As work on the title progressed, however, Team Fortress II took on a life of its own. Now it's a separate, full-priced game. Although Half-Life characters may make cameos in Team Fortress II, the two games are entirely separate products, set in completely different worlds. "To try and treat Team Fortress II as a thing attached to Half-Life really doesn't do justice to what Team Fortress II should be," explained Newell. "There may be some crossover just for fun, but we're trying to deliver two different kinds of experiences."

A seperate, full priced game??!!! Does that mean Half-Life is not going to be required for TF2???? First TFS screwed me over when i bought Quake 2 just for TF2. Now they are screwing me over again? By the time i go out and buy TF2, i will have spent over $100 for it. What a waste, i hope all of Team Fortress Software, Valve Software, and Sierra die horrible, horrible deaths for this disgrace.
(Editors note: As you can see, the readers are quite emotional about this. I think the reaction is a bit excessive myself. I haven't heard one single bad word about Half Life single player. So you have received a good game for your money even if you bought it for other reasons.)

Respawn Camping
by YaN[GLPong]

I normally don't write to mailbags (not you.. the bag itself :) but this time I couldn't help but wonder why you are so disappointed in the result, i.e. that 22 % support the idea of respawn camping.

Don't get me wrong, I don't like the idea myself, but if you expected a more than overwhelming "no" (because 77% is already sort of overwhelming :), why take the poll in the first place ? To quote your own words, the subject is controversial... I myself expected more like 50/50.

No controversy, no poll :)
( Editors note: Well YaN, the reason I was so upset is because close to 1/4 of the TF community thinks it is ok to respawn camp and I find that disturbing. I didn't expect 22% to think it was ok, I was thinking more like 8% to 10%. While 77% does seem an overwhelming majority against RC, it is not what I was looking for. Almost one out of four players think it's ok and that is a sad state we find ourselves in.)

by Ted
hi i am a tf vet i have been playing tf since it first came out and the maps kick ass i would like to see those old maps redone and but back into action i am sure it will make tf more fun and you know the maps i am talking about the real old ones like hedge and those other ones that were real old like when people first started using tf maps instead of quake1 maps like necro
(Editors note: Good idea there. Why not send it in to news@ and we will get someting up on it. Perhaps some of the Authors will see it and take you up on your suggestion. Most of the old great maps may loose their appeal though if redone.)

Engage Number One!
by [DD]Firestorm
Welp, I kinda think this question is missing the "how much" factor... When fighting someone you can try to avoid the enemy, fight your way straight past him, or go after him until he's dead (or you are)...

I personally will shoot at anyone in clear view / range of me, but I avoid fighting whenever I can (unless avoiding will put me at a big disadvantage in getting to the flag). IMO, If you're fighting to kill someone, you're not offense, you're a roamer.

Jonathan Rimdzius, aka [DD]Firestorm
(Editors note: Yes, several people mentioned the same thing. Pretty tough to think of all the possibilities ahead of time. My original intent was to question just whether you engage the enemy at all or not, not to what extent. In the future, I will try to make any insta polls a bit more clear.)

HalfLife Internet Play
by [[StKr]DarkSea].DG.
Ok, I have been humbled. I got HalfLife this morning (barely) by waking up before dawn, driving 20 miles and literally fighting a kid for it in the aisles of Kmart's electronics department. Did I mention that it was the last one? Well... for my troubles I got the game and a couple of sore ribs :) I went through the whole intro going "ooh" and "ahh" and "WOW!". Then I get to the single player part and I just start tearin in. After about 2 hours I decide to try my hand at internet play on WON.NET hehehe, I have never done so poorly in my life. It made me think about the DM community in general. I have, in time, come to think of them as mindless idiots that just run around and waste ammo. I was proved wrong. I had forgotten just HOW MUCH skill it takes to triumph in a 1 on 20 situation. I felt like a crash test dummy for crying out loud :) Basically im saying 2 things.

1)I cant wait for TF2 and

2) From now on Im gonna give DM'ers a little more respect (a little) :)

(Editors note: Death match has its uses. In my opinion, for improving your battle skills, DM is great. As long as you don't take on the DM mentality. You need to apply your skills to team work in TF.)

Happy Fraggin Day
by [CPFF]Headliner
Im not sure this belongs anywhere, but here it goes.

On the Day we all gather around a table for some fine food and visits from relatives, there are TF'ers out there still gettin into Team Fortress on this day. I had jumped on a server, for some fraggin before i stuffed my face, and to my surprise there was alot of players on gettin in early morning frags to. And I have to say these games I played, was filed with alot of great players, and there was alot of respect out there on this day, not sure if it had to with today being Thanksgiving, but this is one of the best days I have had in the time I have played Team Fortress. Lets keep this respect up, cause I feel this is a time TF1 players need to stick together, on the eve of the games that are comming out.

(Editors note: Yes this note is a whole month late. I appoligize for that. Thanks for the holiday message Headliner!)

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