Features | Mailbag | 1/24/99

Clan STK - The Real One
by Knuckles

Dood, some guy named Intel is using [STK] for his tag. Now, that's MY clan's tag, and we think he's messing up our rep. So, I just wanted to let you and everyone out there know, that THIS IS NOT INTEL'S STK!!, SO YOU CAN STOP CURSING AT ME !!!!    
(Editors note: Bummer. He is obviously wanting to smear your rep for some reason. Ignore the puke, maybe he will dry up and blow away.)
by Shane Killen
Damn would really like to know more about the tf2 bots.. I dont like this "Multiplayer-Only Crap" (MOC) Hope that someone can find some info about the tf2 bots soon because Im going insane here:)
(Editors note: I'm not sure if any bot plans have been finalized yet for TF2. Though I have heard they will be modeled after the Hooter's waitresses and Bay Watch woman. Also they are being dressed in the latest bathing fashions comprised of no mare than 22 square inches of material for the bathing suits.)
Teamkill and Lamers
by Albatross
I know ya'll have probably heard it a million times but,the lamers killing their own teammates has got to stop.It's getting ridiculous.Calling newbies all sorts of names,killing flag carrying teammates just for "fun".Stupid.If you're really sure you want to ruin everyone else fun,get arrested.Goto prison.I'm sure your new friend,'Bubba' will appreciate you.We all were newbies,once.Give them a chance.You never know,they might just be the best player youever saw. Albatross
(Editors note: We are striving to enforce some sort of accountability in TF. If we are successful, Lamers and teamkillers will become an endangered species. THey are the scourge of the earth along with cheaters.)
TF 2
by Lesley Hodell
Is it true? Is it true that TF2 will be an actual separate game? After huge amounts of people buy Half-life for TF2 valve actually has the nerve to make it a separate game?! PLEASE tell me i don't need to go out and spend another 50$ on something that was supposed to be an addon. I can't believe valve has the nerve to pull something like that.
(Editors note: This subject has been beaten to death, so lets beat it to death some more. Valve can do what ever it wants. You can do what ever you want. TF2 developed a "Life of it's own." Valve decided that the best way to do it justice was to make it a stand alone game with quite a bit of reworking of the Half Life engine to accomidate TF2. In other words, the Half Life engine alone as it was could not do what Vlave wanted it to do for TF2. You can choose not to buy TF2 if you feel it will be a waste of money. But I doubt you will "pull" something like that.)
Cheating accusations
by Vertigo
Many times i have been accused of cheating. I never cheat. At first it would seriously bother me and id get irritated. If i made an astoninshingly fast sniper shot, im guilty of autoaim. If I shoot someone in a dark area, i have a map hack (HELLO?? IR MEAN ANYTHING TO U?) I nail 3 people in 7 seconds on the bridge in 2fort5, and i have a "sniper accelerated shot" patch... whatever the F*ck that is. I am an LPB, my lag is bad for a particular server, and i do very well, and people think i have a false ping patch. Funny thing... i was almost as good as an hpb a month ago. Its turned into a witch hunt. Ive learned to consider it a complement when people accuse that i use autoaim... when people think your as good as a cheat, you know your good (or at least better than your opponent who thinks your cheating!). PS: if an lpb sniper is kicking your ass to an irritating degree, be a scout and bombard HIS ass with concussions until he stops sniping... AND DONT ACCUSE OF CHEATING. If you think someone is cheating, OBSERVE THEM!! Knowing between whether they are cheating and whether they are just good could mean the difference between you looking like a fool or looking like an honest player and not just a badly-skilled whiner.
(Editors note: The normal player just refuses to believe that he can get his ass stomped without someone cheating. That is unfortunate. It is easier to accuse someone of cheating than to admit to your self that you are getting throttled. There is no solution I can offer other than to just go on ignoring them. If you are not cheating, just tell them to prove it or invite them to observe you. Let the whiners drown in their own tears.)
How can I tell...?
by Sundown[CdG]
I know that this question has probably shown up a lot, but being a regular player to TeamFortress, I just have to wonder about possible cheaters that I might be playing against. With the recent "explosion" of possible ways to cheat, I have to ask if there are anyways possible to find out if a player is cheating. Some players I have played against have the greatest luck with killing another enemy, like an HPW sniper hitting 5 soldiers passing across the bridge and killing them all. Thats either extremely lucky to me, or something is up. Most servers are setup to tell if a player has a rate too high or if they have a hacked model of Eyes, but to clear this up, is there anyway a normal everyday player can tell if another is cheating before everyone starts pointing fingers and things get out of hand??
(Editors note: Otherr than observing them, I'm not sure how you can tell. I doubt there is any HPB anywhere on earth who can nail five soldiers crossing the bridge though. And if he did do it, the soldiers obviously don't know that they are supposed to be shooting at the sniper. Or they are all old and slow...... like me.)
by FrEaKeR
GEEZ!!!!!!CHEAT?????? I have gotten SO F*Cking Many "Anti Cheater" Emails and i dont know where from??? Everybody Say its from planetfortress and i also have seen it...GEEZ! And so i thinked "FrEaKeR, Somebody has hacked your email!" Now STOP SENDING THE DAMN EMAILS!!!! Im from a honest clan called TW there DONT cheat...So somebody is telling lies about us...Damn Assh*le
(Editors note: It is not someone telling lies about you, it is another player who has the same name who is cheating. That is collateral damage those assholes can cause. FrEaKeR had a cheat site up. You are being confused with him.)
Phag Dragon
by Gip Coil
Why'd you let Phag Dragon have a site? He's such a dumb motherfucker.
(Editors note: You obviously have no idea how difficult it is to be that dumb. Have you ever tried to create an authentic Phat Dragon document? It can't be done. Especially with Bundy around to confirm the authenticity of said document. And also we didn't give him web space, he bribed and threatened us.)
Release date
by Seth Sanders
I have been out of the TF scene for around 1 year now. Thought Quake II would get some TF action, there was none. Then we hear half-life will get TF, halflife comes out... It was said that a few weeks(?) after half-life came out, TF would come out as an addon pack. Has there been any formal statements on how the going standalone has pushed the release date back or if they have a new release date? I know there was no DEFINITE release date, but I have no patience and never will. :)
(Editors note: I wouldn't expect you to have any patience unless you were a Doctor. No, there is no type of release date either firm or unfirm. TF Classic on the other hand, should be out in a week or two. TFC is the straight port over of TF to the Half Life engine.)
Thanx, and a question
by Latimer
First, thanks for the excellent web site. I can't count the times I've checked in to planetfortress to look for stuff. Well done. Now, can you direct me to a good help file for running glquakeworld? I just got a 3D card, and am having problems. Any help appreciated.

Latimer, The Seventh Seal.
(Editors note: Here is one url you can check out... http://www.planetquake.com/gldojo/faq.html . And you might find some info here as well... http://www.voodooextreme.com/3Fingers/QuakeQWhtml.htm#FAQ)
by Iridium
I think it's a shame that most of TF has become obsessed with LPB's. It seems to me that clans nowadays are more concerned with ping than with skill and sportsmanship. The best clans, I assume, obviously still want skill, but it's becoming a reality that if you're not an LPB, you can't be truly a master of the game. I know, because I've been an HPB for the last year. I'm getting a cable modem soon, so I'll be one of those hated LPB's, but I think it still sucks for all those HPB's out there. I mean, I was playing as a scout the other day, and 5 times IN A ROW that I came off our balcony, I got sniped in mid-air. 5 times in a row! I had almost no chance of getting into the enemy base, since they had someone guarding the water entrance. Now, I'd love it if people with a ping below a certain number couldn't snipe on a server, but that obviously will never happen. And I'm finally trying out for clans, but I've decided to wait until I get my cable modem, because all of the good clans only recruit LPB's - that's it. For me, having one person on the opposing team fragging every person that walks out of the base and getting 75% of that team's frags is ridiculous. It takes the "team" part of team fortress out of the equation, because the entire team is being held up by one person.
Well, that's about it - hope I haven't bored ya :-) These were just thoughts - let me know what you think. I'd write about respawn camping, but you've already done that, and I agree 100 percent. Thanks for listening!
(Editors note: Not all the good clans only take LPB's, just most of them. If a clan only wanted LPB's, I personally would have nothing to do with them.)
by SilverDragon
I know i'm a bit late for this but the whole cheating thing got my interest. I just got out of a clan scrimm with my clan (Elementals) versus a combined team of DFA (Death From Above) and Flipz (god only knows what that means). Anyways I was the one hosting the server as usual, and things were going normally, including the lag that everybody's accustomed to on my server. I was busy sniping for my team when a red engineer comes up behind me and starts shooting at me with his super shotgun. Unfortunately for him he's got a 500 ping and i strafe out of the way and pelt him one with my sniper rifle. Now for some reason, I end up being the accused "cheater" even though I never did anything wrong. My server did not have the *CHEATS ON in the serverinfo so it takes away any possibility of using godmode which they accused me of using. The guy (his nick is [DFA]Jeff) started accusing me of using every known cheat in the world before message flooding my server in spectator mode. Needless to say I banned his ass. But it all died right then and there. Everybody stopped playing and just started going "SilverDragon is a LAMER!!! He's using godmode in a clan scrim!!" then leaving. Since I wasn't cheating in the first place (I did die quite a lot of times in that game) our clan channel ended up getting flooded by these same whiners before they left because we put moderation on. So my point is that there's a lot of people out there that shouldn't use the cheating excuse as a mask for sucking so much ass. I mean, if the person is truely cheating, then go ahead and expose them and make them known to the community, and do all you can to get them to quit cheating. But when you're at the point that there's somebody that's like a better sniper or better soldier or whatever better than you and you hate it, don't go accusing them of cheating just because they're better than you. That's all I have to say.

(Editors note: I hate when that happens. My best advice to all is to make sure of your accusations before you whine. You are not doing any good accusing someone of cheating if you have no proof. Take your death like a man, not a mamby pamby whining baby girly man.)
Combating cheats in TF
by Barbarian
Well, cheating in TF certainly has come to the forefront lately, most notably due to a cheat site which keeps relaunching itself. For now it appears to be down! Anyways, this is about the attitude that the existance of cheaters has brought on the community, and a suggestion to correct it. I've been on servers where a single person (usually an LPB), scores almost perfect hits with the sniper rifle. I know this is not impossible because I have done so myself on my cable modem connection when my skills were better. However, because the excellent sniper scores well, everyone starts accusing him/her of using an autoaim. On almost every TF server I have been on, MAXSPECTATORS is set to 0. This means that since people have no way of observing the sniper through his eyes, they have no verification that he is not cheating. It is said that you can spot a cheater by spectating through his eyes.

Because there is no way to verify cheating/non cheating, everyone of course assumes that their mad skillz are so good that the sniper must be cheating, even if this is not the case. Of course, sometimes it is probably true, but the lack of spectator options makes it worse.

I understand that it's possible for spectators to steal server passwords when spectating if joining players are stupid, but however there is no plausible reason that I can think of for, say, a 16 player server to not allow even one spectator. Added lag would be insignificant.

So the solution to this attitude about snipers? Allow spectators, at least one. Because if cheaters can't be caught, everyone gets accused of cheating.
(Editors note: Who know? Observing seems to be about the best way to catch them though.)
TF2, Cheating, Lamers...
by [Apoc]Blink
Cheating is lame lets face it and move on. People will always cheat, but that doesn't mean you can't give them your two cents. Tell the world who was cheating at a server. Tell them the server too. If people know they won't go to that server. Better yet if you can snag his ip, then nuke that cheater! Maybe if they get punished for once they will stop cheating, then again maybe not. But we have to do something to stop them. On to the next subject. I really don't get why snipers complain about people raiding the sniper loft to kill the snipers. How come the snipers should have a safe zone where no one else can go and fight them. Are we suppose to let our team get their brains blown out by some sniper? I mean if people don't attack the sniper loft, then the snipers won't have anything to worry about. Snipers should have to check over their shoulders every once in a while. That is why people raid the sniper deck, unless they are lamers who just got for kills and don't care about team play. Last but not least TF2. I want to bitch and complain all day about how I feel that TFS has screwed me over twice. I first thought it would be for Quake2, then for Half-Life, now its a stand alone product. I don't see how everyone can't be pissed about this. Everyone wants to bitch for awhile so let them bitch. I will still buy TF2 and play it everyday...I just want a bitch for a bit, because I know I was screwed over twice already. I don't care if Planet Fortress defends TFS or not. I know they will though. They have in every other message sent in...I just want everyone to know that it upsets me to have a copy of quake2...I wouldn't have bought quake2. I would have bought Half-Life though. Half-Life rocks! I feel i lost $50.00 and I hope that I get a rebate from TFS. If not I'm going to be upset. If they give me a rebate I'll stay happy. I think everyone feels the same way a little bit...thats about all I can think to write. It is real hard to write and think as it is. :-)
(Editors note: Be pissed, bitch and get over it. If you only do it for a day, that is a lot less than most people. TFS did not screw you. They did not tell you to buy anything. You bought the game of your own free will based on the info you had at the time. At the time you made your decision to buy Q2, TF was being considered for it. That changed just as it changed for Half Life. Sounds like you are dissappointed because you think Q2 sucks, not because of them changing their plans. At any rate, you go on being pissed, I will go on defending.......)

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