Features | Mailbag | 4/4/99

lag in TFC?
by Spectre
Howdy, I don't know if you will know the answer to this question, but I am gonig to ask it anyway... The network play in Half-Life really sucks. No, I mean it REALLY sucks, hardcore. Did Valve fix the network code in the download for TFC or not? If not, I really won't be interested in getting it, because I used to play TF a whole lot, and it would be a damned shame for such a great game to be ruined by horrible network play.

(a.k.a Spectre)
(Editors note: Well, what is fixed? If you mean is it perfect, no, it is not fixed. If you mean have they worked on it, yes they obviously have. It plays identical, FOR ME, to TF in quakeworld. Don't expect the world and you should be satisfied. It is not TF, it is TFC, and sure to run different.)
TFc is in tha house
by mct
Just wanted to say that I´ve been playing TF for quake since it first came out and love it more than life itself... Last night i downloaded TFC (or the upgrade patch if you will) and I´ve been playing TFC non stop on my home LAN with my brother! It rox there has never been a mod this good (exept for action quake 4 quake 2 wich is GOD!) anyways to me it seems as if no one els has TFC WHY dont y´all download it it´s greaaat!!!!!!!!!! I want to write a review of it on my site but I cant stop playing it!

TFC 4 ever ;D
(Editors note: Never heard of Action Quake, who is he? That funny looking square headed guy isn't it? Everyone is pretty much waiting on the internet version you see because they don't all have LAN's. Don't worry about the review, there have been plenty of them.)
by Stefan Luka
I know this isn't exactly TeamFortress specific news, but it applies to computer gamers, programmers, and internet users everywhere. This morning, the sites segfault.org, userfriendly.org, and bedope.com were simultaneously shutdown following legal actions taken by an "unspecified" client. This action is being handled by the same people who were responsible for the initiation and passing of the Communications Decency Act. What were these sites saying that was so inexcusable that their right to freedom of speech, guaranteed under the first Amendment, should be stripped away? Satire. It's as simple as that. The one thing these sites had in common was their satire of the computing community. Purely out of good humor and aimed not at any specific company or other organization. OpenSource software was just as often the target of their humor as was corporate software. And yet this "unspecified" client felt so intimidated and threatened by the continued existence of these sites that legal charges were filed demanding that the sites be shutdown. Unfortunately, nobody knows for sure who this client is (as the client is too cowardly to reveal its identity, or possibly fears bad press), but apparently they believe that by oppressing the media for OpenSource, they can also eliminate OpenSource. Protests have been made, but the greater media is deaf and blind. This news will not reach the television nor will it even reach newspapers. But if nobody ever hears of this, how do we know that this will not be the beginning of a new trend in which legal heavywieghts can censor and eventually even control internet communication, with nothing more than the threat of litigation? This can not be allowed to happen. If you care about the internet, the freedom of speech, and the ideals our government stands for, please post this news on your page. You can bind a mouth, but you can never silence a community. For more information, here is a link to a news article at slashdot.org: http://slashdot.org/features/99/04/01/1346207.shtml

Thank you very much,
Stefan Luka
(Editors note: A tough one here. We stand for a lot of things, one of them being our right to a lame free, cheat free gaming experience. Because of that, we are of the opinion that some sites do not deserve the right to exist at our expense, so does this not make us equally as bad? I don't think so myself but others will....)
TFC review on USA Today
by Rossco
Well, in case you haven't gotten to it yet, here's the link to the review of TFC on USA Today. It's pretty short and simple, but it gets the point across okay. ; )


(Editors note: Thanks for that Rossco. The amazing thing to note here is that it was mentioned at all in the USA Today. I think that is quite an acomplishment and says a lot about Valve and the origional TF game by TF Software...)
Halflife Update
by Mike
I'm very disapointed about the the relationship between Valve and their customers. As soon as an equivalent product is on the markted, me and my friends will gladly change sides. Please remember id software thought also noone could beat quake. We even have it on our harddisk!!!.

Delays when releasing software doesn't make them many friends!!! Buggy software is better then none and they could release patches if necessary. Please spread the news that not everybody is happy with valves idee to make "perfect" software.

(Editors note: Well Mike,... can I call you Mike? Thanks. Well Mike, it is of my opinion that TF 2 And TFC for now will stand well on it's own merits. If you wish to change sides when/if something better comes out, then that is your decision. It is not what people say about a game that makes it great, it is what YOU think about a game after playing it that sets your opinion. If you are going to jump ship just because of the delays, then you will never know how good a game TFC or TF2 is will you? Further more, it is of my opinion that the recent delays are from certain things that came up from the press release. In other words, the Press release exposed a few more problems that could be fixed by another short delay, So why release it in a rush, when another slight delay will do the trick? It makes no sense to me. Like, would you go buy a car with a rough running engine on the chance that it could be fixed later? I think not. Would you down load the most recent version of IE or NS even if it crashed your computer because they would come out with a patch for it soon enough? I doubt it. Valve would get flamed just as much if not more for releasing buggy software as they would with the delays. What you think? )
The SDK release!
by Adam
This isn't really news but rather a comment. (Sorry, I couldn't find the proper email at the site...)

VALVE should release the SDK so people who actually do know what they are doing can release some mods. I am here on behalf of all the people who post at the TF2/TFC forum at SierraStudios.

Adios. :)
(Editors note: This is the place for comments! I don't know exactly why they are doing this. It will come soon enough. People don't realize the work involved in doing a multi lingual release. I know I don't. )
by Saint
Is there a place strictly for commanders? i'm one, and i haven't found one yet.... plan on making one? =)

(Editors note: I don't know of one yet. That will be for TF 2 of course. It is a ways off yet for sure. I wonder how many budding commanders we have out there. )
by Christoph

Can I ask you something of TFC or should I send the mail to another E-Mal adress of your site ?????? I need some help with TFC LAN for H-L. After playing 30 min., the game automatically changes the level. For example: We played "hunted" and suddenly the game changes to "rock"!!!!! How can I make the game staying in one level sp long as I want?????

Christoph Hamar Germany (my English isn't good, I know)

PS: I sent a mail to valve and they didn't answer!!!
(Editors note: The games are meant to last only 30 minutes. You can change that. After you creat the game you can change the game settings such as Frag linit and time limit by going to the Advanced controlls.)
tfc bots
by FraG
I'd love to know if Valve are planning on releasing bots for TFC. I downloaded the LAN release but found it not very enjoyable with a 2 client network, as you can imagine. Are any bots scheduled do you know?

Thanks in advance,
David Hawthorne(FraG)
(Editors note: I don't think any are planned at this time, though that is not to say no one else will develop them. TFC for the internet will be out very soon anyway and you can get all the compitition you can handle.)
Hello, i got a question?
by Victor
Hi my name is Victor, i am an active Half Life player, and i represent Lock n Load,i was just wondering if Team Fortress Classic is definatly coming out tomorrow April 2nd, if it is i am so glad, if it isnt i will be upset. Also if it will not be, could you please tell me why.

Thanks Victor
(Editors note: You probably know by now that it is dealyed once again. It is simply not ready yet. Though I understand that the issues are almost resolved. Hang on for a bit longer....)
I'm a sad, sad individual
by Stauf
In answer to the question that sometimes appears at the top of PlanetFortress's main page. There are 187 nails in a nail grenade in TF1 and 92 in TFC (the LanParty version)

(Editors note: I'm impressed. To stay alive long enough to count them simply amazes me. Now if I only knew how many fragments the pipe bombs exploded into....)
TFC news & Web Site updates
by Chris
Hello, my name is Chris Wood, I would just like to say, that all the work that you folks have been doing has been great, I find your site to be one of the best sites around keeping Admin's like me up to date in information. As for the TFC news, I am alittle disapointed to hear the news but that is how things work sometimes. It happens to everyone inclusing myself. I design maps for TFC and Mega TF and I have been working on two maps for quite some time and have had to delay my releases of the maps to the public because of bugs, errors, and so forth, so I know what the hate mail is all about. I only have one thing to say about the hate mail and that is, Things happen to everyone, it can't be predicted and you folks should not feel down in any way. You folks are doing one hell of a job with the news and updates and I myself appreciate every bit of it. For those who are sending hate mail, don't really deserve to enjoy a game such as TFC because they don't relize how much time and effort goes into such a project. So I have said my two words, sorry about the way I feel but some people just don't understand. For you folks though, Great Job!

Keep up the work.
Chris Wood
(Editors note: Thanks... we love ya man! Seriously though, we do take a beating at times. It comes with the teritory I guess, but it's not like we were paid or anthing like that. It is way cool to get compliments once in a while to boost our sagging confidence when things get rough. Thanks for taking the time to write in! (You can have my Bud Light!))
This is NOT a complaint about TFC!
by David
I was (unsurprisingly) disappointed to hear that TFC would be delayed (again) but this is not a complaint letter. I am writing to ask whether Valve have announced another release date for TFC, as I could not see one in your article. I would appreciate any help.

David Thompson
(Editors note: They gave us no indication of the new time frame. I believe with the several delays already, they are unwilling to commit themselves until they are 100% sure it is going to happen.)

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