Features | Mailbag | 4/15/99

TFC up's and down's
by TriggerHappy
Let's face it, delaying sucks. It REALLY sucks. I can understand delay's for buggy systems, etc. but I can't understand delay's for foreign countries. I mean, can't they wait a few day's? Why couldn't they release it on the release date and then release the foreign TFC a week later? Let's look at the up's and down's of this situation:

*Make the programmers happy
*Make Valve happy
*Make foreign countries happy

*Make player's mad
*Make the US unhappy

There are more up's than down's! Yeah!!! Okay, listen, this is a horrible delay, I can stand a delay for good reason's, but just to help out yourself, being selfish is not a reason to delay something. Why are they selfish? Because they have to make everything ALL AT ONCE, and not in seperate downloads and stuff...the fan base of Half Life I KNOW is more than 75% in America, so why can't they release the thing first in America? By the time you read this, I may be playing TFC, but not with as happily as I would have if it had been released on April 2nd. Oh, yeah, if this is published, flames will be deleted, but trust me, you won't flame unless your from a foreign country.

Matt "Angry Right Now" Beddingfield
(Editors note: I'm sure if you lived in a foreign country you would feel a bit differently. I hardly feel there were any selfish reasons for any of the delays. And I am not from a foreign country and I am going to flame away. Your opinions are very selfish in themselves. You don't care about anyone else but yourself and fellow Americans of course. While the American may or may not be the biggest crowd waiting for TFC, they have no more right to an early release than anyone else. THe game was made for all to enjoy and they should all have it availible at the same time.)
This should be a mailbag message
by Diazo
I've been looking around the sites lately and a notice that there seems to be a lot of people complaining/angry/miffed/etc. about Valve's holding back of TFC. To me this makes no sense, ever heard of BattleCruiser 3000? That game has no relation to TFC except that it was released early, like you want Valve to do with TFC. One problem, it was way too buggy. So buggy in fact that it was was basically the worst game of the year. What's amazing though is that when the patches for it came out, one of the magazines went back and did a review on it, giving it 4 1/2 out 5 stars!!!! It was too late though, people had all tried the buggy version and no one went back and bought the corrected version, so although it could have been one of the games of the year, it's early release made it one of the worst. Now, I ask you, is this what you want Valve to do with TFC and TF2?

Let's wait, all right?
(Editors note: Good deal, you have been added to my list of those who happen to display an extraordinary amount of common sense and well adjusted attitude. A short list but important never the less.)
by Ryan
I need to obtain the email addy of Gennie Gant at Valve. I would like to inform them that the gaming community dose not appreciate Valve saying that TFC will be realeased @ XX,XX,1999 and then it comes out a year later, IF valve dose not have correct info the y should say it will be a\out in 2010, that way everyone will be supprised if it comes out before then, if it dosnt noone will be disapointed. Thanks
(Editors note: Sigh..... First off, I'm sure they are well aware of the dissatisfaction of all concerned with constant delays. Giving you Jenni's email and having you add to the discontent is something I am not willing to do. I am sure you could easily find it if you really felt that motivated. Obviously too many people are letting these delays consume them with feelings of ill will. Like it or not, the delays are a fact of life, and necessary to provide a good product. And contrary to popular belief, they are not planned delays, but unforseen delays. They had every intention of meeting the original planned release dates, but were unable to comply. Can you dig it?? I simply must get a job with Valve, I'm doing a fine job here, am I not?)
TFC problems
by Jon Zepeda
Hey! Ijust downloaded TFC and I LOVE IT! But I have a problem. My 3D card,(D3D) does not work for TFC. It worked just fine with Half- Life and HL multi, but when I put it on in TFC, I would get into a game, and when it starts to load, it crashes and goes back to windows. I am wondering, can you tell me how to fix it, or will a patch come out?

Thank You
(Editors note: The only thing I can suggest is that you have all the most recent drivers for your hardware. Look in this folder on what ever drive you have HL installed on...SIERRA\Half-Life\valve\media\DrvPage and look on the default.htm for a list of url's for the various video cards. If this doesn't solve the problem, then send your problem to contact@valvesoftware.com. Good luck!)
Im sick of Valve Bashing
by Emporium
I would just like to say that there are many people complaining about TFC because there are many errors like wrong dll's, major packet loss/lag and also my problem which is the retrying resource request (HELP!). These problems will be fixed in some sort of patch or another but i stress TFC is "FREE" mainly because of the idea to make TF2 a separate product. So remember whilst i encourage everyone to tell valve there problems im sick of valve bashing concerning TFC (it is fair if you hated half-life, i loved it) but remember TFC is a free mod so therefor Valve owe you nothing for it...yes half-life mp sucked but they didn't have to bring out a TFC...remeber that.

(Editors note: Yes! What he said! It's free remember! I was free as well. I am a twin and the doctor did not charge for my delivery! How amusing, wouldn't you say?)
News For you.
by LordWolfx
Title: TF. The "T" means TEAM guys.

You may find that hard to believe, but their is a team aspect involved. You actually have to work Together to get something real accomplished. I know it may be a shock to most, but that's the way it works. Actually its not. I can't tell you how many bounty hunters their are in the TF community, and their seems to be a renewal in TFC of that. More than half the games I've played, the teams go off and do their own thing. Their all HWguys, or Pyros and the like, and they play like its a DeathMatch. Only the rare flag is ever captured. And their I am, waiting at a certain spot and Screaming for my team mates to rally their. For I know my fate other wise, wondering into the enemy base alone is suicide, especially when they actually are playing as a Team. Work together. Elect a leader and go. Get class verity, and for god sake, don't go whisking off alone because you think you can take on their entire team. Because you cant.

TEAM guys. That's what T is. If you want just kill people, join a deathmatch server and quit ruining it for people who actually want to play as a team. Its not a Deathmatch idiots. You know who you are.
(Editors note: Actually, I don't think they know who they are. They are TFC players trapped in a death match body! They are consumed with the good of the one out weighing the good of the many! I win, win, win! That about covers it I think. Most public games will always have this problem as it is difficult to assume any sort of order with a bunch of total strangers who rarely play together. The feeling of success is so much more satisfying when that is accomplished though. It does happen, but not very often.)
by MiZ
I dunno if this the right place to send this but I need to figure this problem out. In TFC I can connect to a server but then when starts to load the paleted skys or whatever they are called it disconnects from the server. THen a message says could not connect to server:REASON: Intializing and Downloading. Then I looked in the directory where it said it is loading that stuff which was like valve/gfx and nothing was in there. It usually disconnected me after Nightdn.bmp. So if you know this PLEASE reply and if you would do me a huge favor you could send this to somplace/someone who would know.

(Editors note: Don't have a clue on this one. Have you tried doing a reinstall? If you continue to have touble, send your problem to contact@valvesoftware.com )
by Max Faboo
Here's one for ya...why is it that every TF game is loaded with LPBs? TF is no longer fun for me and others with pings in the 200s and up. I can't seem to find servers that cater to HPBs, and even then, the LPBs don't leave. I have been playing TF for a very long time; been in several, known clans; and have a lot of respect in the TF community. I'm just tired of facing young punks with low pings and no skills, whereas I have high(er) pings and lots of skills.

Don't get me wrong: I don't mind losing, and I'm not a frag whore. I just hate hearing these punks screaming how great they are, when, in reality, they just have low pings.

I realize there is nothing that can be done...I'm just ranting. And, I know the only thing I can do is join 'em (and then beat 'em), but low pings cost lots of money. Since I'm 31, married, with child, I can't rely on my daddy buying me a new system (and we all can't have cable modems, or work for a network company). I can only grin and bear it...its just unfortunate that the TF community loses so many talented players, like myself, to offline games only due to TF no longer being an enjoyment or challenge to play.

Frag on,
Max Faboo
(Editors note: This is a tough subject. I covet a low ping connection, as I'm sure many players do. But then I will become one of the hated. It is an unfair situation with no solution unless a server admin sits on the sever and controls who gets connected. Maybe in the future, something will come along. Until then, don't give up, just have at it the best you can and show the skilless LPB's how it's done! The talented ones may be another problem! )
Team Fortress Classic
by cgoliath
Hey there.. I would like to know if people are having success playing TFC.. Last weekend, we played TFC on a 100 meg ethernet switch.. We had about 12 people.. The lag was in the 400 - 600... We played Half-Life, and the lag was like in the 100's... Why is TFC so much worse?? Shouldn't it be the same has HL?? Is there some server settings that are turned on for TFC that are turned off for HL? Are there any server tweaks for TFC?? Any suggestions??

(Editors note: Sailor Scout responded to this, and here are his comments on that...Actually, TFC's network settings are stored independantly of Half-Life's. So that means if you tweaked your setup for Half-Life (like turning down the decals), it will be back up again for TFC. Make sure your settings match in both games and the difference shouldn't be that great. )
TFC ?'s
by Tom
Hi. I'm a newbie to the whole TF thing. I've checked all the FAQ's I could find and I still couldn't find the answers to these 2 questions:
1) In a multiplayer game, how do you make it so you & your teammates end up on the same team and non-teammates CANNOT join your team?
2) How can I connect to WON? I'm on a school LAN and I can access the 'net, but none of my multiplayer networks work - WON, Battle.Net, etc. None of them can connect. Is there a way to completely bypass WON and just connect to a friends server? I've tried having him host one and adding his IP to my server list, but it always times out.

Thanks a ton
(Editors note: I hate getting questions I can't answer directly, so I'l make something up. In this folder on what ever drive HL is installed on, SIERRA\Half-Life\tfc\manual, is a file called TFCserver.htm. it has server settings you can use to set up the server. On your other question, maybe a reader can help us out. I am a moron when it comes to tech stuff. I'm holding your mail in case anyone responds...)

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