Features | Mailbag | July 26, 2000

DM - Help
- ------ThE WaLKinG DeAd------
how do you play in Team Fortress Classic Death Matches? I have been to server when it suddely when there? Please help Me?
Slick: All you have to do is put in a normal DM map into your tfc/maps/ dir'. It's just that simple, the default for maps without any TFC entities is to create four teams with the ability to kill each other.

I've seen DM maps to be quite popular, so hey, what the hell :) -- But give me a real game of TF anytime.

- Freddy Contreras
Hi, I'm wondering, back in the day, TF used to have this demo....you know the one, with the little scout running around to that excellent operatic music...

Well, pardon my ignorance but I can't find the song anywhere because I don't know what it's called...

Do you mind telling me the name so I can get it? If anyone in the world knows it's you guys...

Thanks guys!
Slick: I know exactly what your talking about.. But when I booted up the ol' pentium 60 (that's what I have quake on and have been to lazy to move it over to this computer) I found I'm missing the .dll file: GLIDE2X.dll -- If anyone could happen to hook me up with that, I'd be grateful, might even be able to repay you with a PF email :) -- If you do have it, email me please.

Also, it's been quite some time since I've played that video so I don't remember the song off the top of my head. If anyone out there remembers it, (and also can provide information on how to play that demo, I'm sure once I could load quake I'll mess around enough I'd remember, but to get the info faster to everyone else, that'd be appreciated as well)

Same Server
- [LfA]-SilentHunter
I read in last week's mailbag about Slick mentioning to one guy (sorry don't remember your name) that he thought it was a good idea to know an admin or find a server where you play with the same people and I must agree, this is a great idea! I used to go from server to server just trying to find a good game but I always resorted back to playing pubs with my clan because I knew the guys. Well if you dont want to join a clan there are plenty of servers out there. I go to the Kali Hunted Server (yeah haha hunted, plz dont flame me :P ) every night and its great because the same people play there. We respect each other and practically know each other. Its almost like a second clan for me actually and I love it. So I encourage all of you that want a serious game to try playing on a server time after time and see if you can get the same people to play there constantly, it will make a world of difference I promise. Later!
Slick: Whoah! You mean my advice is actually right!?! Hold on, I need oxygen *gasp* This is too much..

*** Slick is found passed out on floor a few days later..

New Options
- ShrimperDan
I'd like to see an option to "ignore" certain people when they use the "say" or "say_team" commands. This is used in chat rooms, so why not TFC? Type "I" and "ignore:" appears on the screen. Type in the user name and then you never have to read their garbage again. Is this too much to ask? Just a general rant. Comment as you wish. Oh, I like the "Slick Spot" section.
Slick: That actually makes sense. I think I'll pass that suggestion along to Valve in my next correspondence with them. I make no promises, but it's a good idea, and those usually have good luck.

- [OGzr]Tusk
About that "new" class for TFC 1.6?
Yeah, umm you know, the headcrab?

I just wanna know, Can you make that little squeeking noise it makes????
lol That would really annoy people! heh----

Much Humor Guys!!

Keep it up!
Slick: That little squeaking noise is how you call for the medic, duh!

- {TPC}Xcalibur -TPF
dear Slick,

I just wanted to say to you (and the TF/C community) that someone on AOL is not automatically a newbie. Many of us are stuck on AOL because we have no choice in the matter. I am not the money maker in the house, therefore i don't have the decision as to which ISP we get. I wish people would try to look at this from our point of view. I've played TFC for over a year, and even went back and played some TF just to see where the vets were comming from. I am the leader of a clan, and an active member of the community, yet i still get heat in IRC rooms and on message boards because i'm on AOL. These people are calling me a wanker and a newbie, yet they don't even know me or give me a chance to explain my situation. There is a word that describes this kind of behavior...it's called predjudism. So this is my plea to the community, don't assume someone is immature and newbie-ish just because they have an AOL email address. Give them a chance, they may just have a story.
Slick: Hehe, I was waiting for someone to nail me on this. -- Actually, despite what you say, it's true. AOL'ers are annoying newbies. BUT there is an exception to every rule, you yourself are one. Quite often I get great poll questions from people on AOL. I don't hate them, but more often than not you'll find an incompetent person who thinks he's all that on AOL who thinks they should have your webmaster job and not you. I've had thousands of dealing with AOL newbies, I always help them become better players. That's why I operate PlanetFortress plain and simple.

I can usually spot an AOL'rs message by the text, or their potd's *shudder* I was thinking of posting what is supposed to be funny from them but they are sooooo not funny. (I should mention I do get good pics from aol'rs as well) but odds are, if the pic is dumb and completely not funny, the person is on AOL. -- The only other one that gets up there is hotmail :)

/me waits for flames on that comment. -- Despite the fact that I have a hotmail account to read my PF email while at other locations.

Ok, I thought I was done, but then I got to the very next mail.....

From: Check83@aol.com
To: mailbag@planetfortress.com
Subject: Cheats

hi yeah i was just wondering if there are any cheats in tf 1.5. if there are please send them to me.... thx.

That's why I get disgruntled with AOl'ers from time to time.

- [AtX]Timber_Wolf
HI!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH I MADE IT MY HOMEPAGE!!!!!! (er not really homepage, just that page that immediately pops up when you start up Internet Explorer) Anyway, this site is soooooooo cool!! Did I mention it was cool? And no I'm not trying to get your attention or like get you to like me or anything. Anyway, my favorite part of the site is the polls. The pools are so funny!! Where you guys just type up hilarious questions with hilarious answers!!!! I swear on almost every question i've seen i've laughed my butt off!! Also I loved The Red Flag. That was by far the funniest claymation movie i've seen!! You guys need more of those!!! OOOOOO!!!! Make one about the new Valve TFC map Dustbowl!!!! COOL COOL COOL!!!!!!!! Ok I gotta go. Keep shellin' out the goods you guys it looks great!!!
Slick: Ok folks, just so you know, this is what an extra-jumbo-deluxe-pure-surup-slushy will do to you. You start raving about websites thinking they are cool and funny. Then it moves on to watching every victoria secrect commercial, not for the models wearing apparent 'strings' for clothing, but simply because you want to check for tan lines. Because if you find any in a professional lingerie add, you think you'll save world hunger. -- Take my advice. Do do it.

Seriously though: Thanks for your comments Timber Wolf, they are greatly appreciated.

What's Your Internet Connection?
- Name
This doesn't have really anything to do with TF or Half-Life, but you should still check it out. I was looking at this tweak guide you mentioned in the July 20th news [a year ago], and it had this link to a cool speed tester thingy. If you go to that URL, it checks when you start downloading this hidden file, and when you finish, then divides the size by the time to get your k/sec speed. Also, it shows your line sppen, and how your system compares to others with this speed thermometer.

Just in case the links didn't work, here's the URL.
Slick: HA! I remember posting that article and being exteremly depressed since I was on my 33.6 back then.... Ohhh the lovings of an ISP that can handle 56k :)

Slick's current score: Ummm, never mind.

- [-BeL-]Drunkie
Hey, I was just wondering if you had some more info on PowerPlay. When I first read about it on your site, I was thrilled about it and I went to their new web page and signed up for the mailing list first thing. But here it is, a couple of months(?) later (not too sure about how long ago it was, my internal long-term clock is so screwed up and I'm too lazy to go through the news archives) and I haven't heard a word about it since. I haven't even gotten anything from their mailing list... So I was wondering if the project has stalled, or if its still going in a secret back room somewhere? Any info you can provide would be great!

p.s. your site r0x0rz (or something of that 'l33t' nature...)
Slick: As far as I know, they are still getting ready for beta 1.0. That depletes my thimble of knowledge.

TF2's Voice Communication thingy,and #$%^ing swearing...
- Jason Karnitz
I was wondering,with all this junk on TF2's voice communication.Will there be something to block swearing,cos when get a I frag, or get fragged sometimes I just start swearing unstopably.Like 'what the f*ck was that,that f*cking hit you,' thats just an example.So this is not just for my sake,but for the sake of others....will TF2 have some sort of way to block out swearing?I don't,but I was just wondering.
Slick: I think your safe.

  • 1st, I believe that the voice comm can be set to pushing a button to talk, so you'll only say what you want to say (I think it'll probably be voice activated too if you choose).
  • 2nd, TF2 will have a hierachy for the voice system. So unless your the Commander (which you wouldn't be able to be killed anyway) you won't have a problem of others hearing you.
  • 3rd, I'm sure there will be an ignore function to get rid of that kind of chatter.

  • Slick Spot

    Death Notices
    The Dark One-TPF- Got his death notices download.. After passing them along, I checked them out myself. Very cool stuff. You can download them right here.

    Thanks to everyone who sent that to me.

    HeadCrab Player Class
    Got quite a few emails of people who liked the 'HeadCrab New TF 1.6 Class' POTD we had.. I liked it a lot and cheated the rotation pics go in to get posted. -- It was just that good :)

    I've been getting quite a few emails from people who have been having trouble with not having a console at all. I remember the fix being a command in the config, does anyone remember it? If there's another way to do it, I'd like to know.

    PlanetFortress TFC Logo
    I've been working with StealthRT (the guy who made all those "Schitck" images) on a PlanetFortress TFC Spraylogo... But unfortunately, I've run out of ideas to give him. My favorite (that we can't get to work due to the size limitations) was a ripoff of the comedycentral logo.. I wanted it to be a fort instead of a city.. Then PlanetFortress would have a 'planet' logo that would look like an actual planet (which is a pet peeve of mine with the other planet sites). What I want is something that's unique to PlanetFortress that we could have for the logo.. Any ideas on how to make our planet definitely our planet, yet still look like a planet. Email me (link at title because I'm that lazy :)

    Upcoming PlanetFortress Schtick
    I'm going to revamp the links page with what I think are all useful links (not just what gets submitted) stuff like that death sprites thing.. Useful information and such, I don't know when it'll get done, but that's now on the 2 screen-fold long 'to-do' list.

    2 Secret Projects, we've got 'em. They are in the works. More later.

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