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Slick Spot
The outspoken reside here!
The Warthog

TF2 AOL Friendly?
Man, did I get reamed for even considering to post this editorial. People just went crazy, perhaps I need to explain my motives for posting this. -- Note, literally hundreds of things created a delay with the editorials and my explanation for this, the site grows so fast sometimes other parts are left behind.

Anyway, when I posted this editorial I was sick of the mentality it held behind it. I constantly get editorials and comments to the mailbag that I leave out (I just got another editorial like this yesterday) I always leave these out. But this one I decided not to, I wanted to bring this opinion out in the open. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, I have no qualms with that. Though on the other side of the coin, people need to see and be enlightened (and most importantly admit) when they are wrong. That was the point of posting this, so people would see how silly it is.

I could rant all day about how "back in the day of TF" everybody would help everybody with anything, be it how to change their name to how to do a complicated script. You might be sick of hearing that, but it's true. Hell, it wasn't always the case but generally that's how it is. And it's nobody's fault that the relationship from player to player in TFC has changed at all, there's just more people who never had an example. I believe solely in example, how does a baby fox learn how to hunt in the wild, by watching the mother kill the prey, they experimenting with what he has observed and applying it himself. Did you know that if a Human is raised by wolves directly after birth (it has happened) they will walk on hands and feet (all 4's) and never just on feet? -- Why's that, it doesn't make sense for a human to walk on all fours when the body is designed to be mobile on two feet. But guess what, that's the example that kid was around more than anything. So naturally he'll follow it.

I'm not expecting anyone to see the light all of a sudden and start a movement. But if even once during a game you can instill some helpfulness out of yourself to a person. (Half the time you never have to help, just introduce yourself, compliment each other on a good move, just be courteous to each other, it's not hard. You'll have an enjoyable game. TPF was created around these ideas, while they have had their rough stinges, you can hop on any TPF server and have an enjoyable time. I've found other servers with a few TPF'rs and the people on there say, "Hey, this is the best time I've ever had on a server!" Does that mean TPF is the end all of TFC gaming and you are the most honorable person in the world if you wear the tag? No. It only matters if you always do what's right on the server and just have a good time. This game is for fun.

When TF2 comes out we'll all be newbies trying to learn the system and tricks. I look forward to that like you wouldn't believe. People will be helping each other and it's going to carry on for quite some time (because of example, wow amazing isn't it?)

In addition to that, it's not like Valve is ignoring this problem. In TF2 there are various ways they are going to encourage teamplay and fun. I've talked with Robin Walker and others, that's the 100% focus. They are trying out their plans in TFC as well, so it's not like that game is being ignored and left behind. It's a wild ride, just have fun.

Back to the original point, this editorial is from a person who forgot he too was once a newbie. Granted some stupid kids can get on dad's computer to play, but that's how I started at age 14-15, but look at what I'm doing now, doesn't look I turned out too bad. Give a person a chance and just have a good time. It's a game for entertainment, remember that.

— Warthog

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