Team Fortress Classic | Configs | Variable Settings

Team Fortress Classic Configs: Variable Settings


The variable setting is the most basic function of a config file. Usually, you'll find that most variable settings have binary modes (1 = on, 0 = off). If you downloaded one of the PF Configs available on the index page, open up autoexec.cfg with notepad. If you are going without those sets of configs, open up your config.cfg file (found in c:/sierra/half-life/tfc). You'll note that config.cfg stores all the information that you have set through the Half-Life Menu (Multiplayer -> Controls).

For our first example, lets make sure you are seeing the message of the day. The message of the day display is for some reason tied to the display of map briefings. In order to display it you need to find the line in your config.cfg that says:
setinfo "dm" "0"
To enable the MOTD on servers, change the 0 to 1.

For our next example, lets say you wanted to turn off the blood in TFC during multiplayer. You'll need to add the command variables into your config.cfg file (if you are modifying a PF Config, you'll be adding these commands into your autoexec.cfg).
violence_ablood 0
violence_agibs 0
violence_hblood 0
violence_hgibs 0
Should you wish to re-enable blood, you must relocate these commands in your config file, and change the 0's to 1's. Make sure you don't have the same variable listed twice in one cfg. If you do it will take the last listed command.

Now, say you wanted to turn off decals to further eliminate violence, you would add the following variable command into your config (once again, make sure it is not previously listed).
r_decals 0
Setting r_decals to 0 will cause all blast marks and bullet holes to disappear. However, setting r_decals to 1, will not just "turn on decals," as this is not a normal binary variable. The r_decals is allowed to be set to any number so the user can determine how many decals will be present on screen at any given time (this has a direct effect on FPS). You can leave this at the number you have listed, or change it based on your need, that is what is great about configs :)

The name command is another variable that does not follow the general binary system. Adding this into your config will set your name in TFC:
name “newname”
That's it for variable commands. You now know how to edit them to your desire. Remember, you can always change them back. You'll notice there are many other commands in your config files, has a full listing of what they all do. | GameSpy | Comrade | Arena | FilePlanet | GameSpy Technology
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