Category: Quake Nostalgia

Do YOU have a CD of Shrak version 2.00?

Fighting with Shrak‘s annoying issues, an exciting engine-crashing gfx.wad, Dosbox and too many files & directories I found a mention of Shrak version 2.00. This was a (someewhat) bugfixed version of Shrak, released early March 1997. As I only own the normal disc I would love to get my hands (or at least the eyes) on the later version. Please drop a note if you own it.

Update: negke proved once again that he spent money for just the right things in adolescence rocks. Thanks, I got it now!

A Visit to id Software in 1993

John Romero posted an ancient video of id in 1993. Of course this is way pre-Quake, but don’t we all love id Software and find this interesting? :)

Mondo3D – Curse of the Pharaoh’s Gold

If you played computer games in the years before and around the era you might remember lots of promotional games. I still have a floppy disk with a racing game for the german “pocket sausage” BiFi somewhere. In 2001 the australian whatever company Massive created the multiplayer online game Mondo3D for Mars Confectionary. It was part of a bigger marketing website. The game originally required you to buy a Mondotime Lollipop to be elidgeable to download the game (…).

The game features 3D models of selected Mondo figurines and the gam-play is a competitive, team-play treasure hunt scenario. Kid’s play the game online with each other – up to 100 can play at anyone time from anywhere in Australia and New Zealand. The game also includes a chat feature to allow them to co-ordinate their team strategies.

Mondo3D is based on QuakeWorld, that’s why it is interesting. It features team-based gameplay and comes with one big, interconnected and complex map in a egypt setting.

You can collect gold. The amount of gold you can carry depends on the model. If you grab the lilac bag in the center of the round room you can carry up to 10 gold. Your character will have a funky particle trail if you do. There are two “bases” where – I guess – the teams would have to bring gold to. Ammo automatically refills. Oh – and I guess you can kill the other players, what other use would the weapons have? >;)

Blue team

Red team


The map
The map is plain beautiful. Highly complex and with so much exploration (did you find the secret tunnels?). Lovely work. I took these screenshots in the software renderer.

The menu and credits
Yes, those are fribbles and Tigger-oN (..::LvL). D!ABLO was a CPMA developer.

The models, map, artwork are marvellous. The player sounds so-so but surely fitting a kid’s game. The gameplay looks like a lot of fun for children and the map invites playing like if it was the greatest gold-digging archaeologist childhood dream ever.

Two years ago dirtbox over at Besmella uploaded the files. I mirrored them here: mondo3d-full.exe (8 Megabytes) and (170 Kilobytes). If anyone has saved the source code, please send it to me.

To play you need to create a local server. To do so, simply start the mondo3d-server.exe. Then in the client (mondo3d.exe (OpenGL) or mondo3d-safemode.exe (Software)) go Join Game -> Direct Connect and enter the IP Once you are on the server press ESC -> Player Setup. Choose a team and a player model and press Go.

Methods of Destruction – The alternate Quake soundtrack

One of the mysterious “lost” things from the Quake universe, one of the most interesting maybe, is the Methods of Destruction audio CD. It was created in 1996 by Sascha Dikiciyan (“Cyber-Age Studios”) who later did the Quake 2 soundtrack as Sonic Mayhem. Methods of Destruction received a nice review by Bluesnews and that’s about all information that is left about it. Well, ok, the tracklist is known:

Methods Of Destruction Quake Add-on
(1. Data Track)
2. Welcome to Mayhem
3. Premonition
4. B7
5. Ultimate Rage
6. Military Installation
7. Methods Of Destruction
8. Mental Anguish
9. Sounds of Decay
10. B7 (Reprise)

Some more random tidbits: 1, 2, 3, 4 (says it was not him alone making the music). There are hints that some more snippets might have aired at QuakeCast. I could not find the files though, the only QuakeCast shows I have are quakecast_intro.mp3 and quakecast_oct_2_1997.mp3. Anyone got more? Maybe even the original .ram/.ra files? Send them in!

Well, so I just randomly stumbled upon it today for the hundredth time and thought “hmm, I wonder if the Internet Archive has something on it”. And yes it has, I cannot believe I am the first one to try it(?): Here is the original website. I was not able to try the Shockwave streams (Anyone can do? Any chance to rip them? Send them in!) but I downloaded the .wav files, “repaired” the .zip files they came in and here they are (Ogg Vorbis are encoded in Q5 and tagged by me):

I want that CD. Badly! Even if a bad mp3 rip is all that is left. I’d pay for the CD, 50€ or more, no joke. Being a completely compulsive obsessive nostalgic archivar I have to… :)

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